Time and Expense Entry is defaulting to Payroll Expense GL Account

Good morning. I am new to this Epiusers Help as well as new to my job using Epicor ERP Cloud. I certainly like it but have found things that were set up previous to me to be unfinished or incorrect. We enter time and expense every day. Problem I have found it that when an employee is reporting Production Time to a Job, the direct labor is defaulting to the Payroll Expense Account. I believe this needs to be remedied in Job Management to get a “job expense default” but not totally sure. Anyone have suggestions? Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

I would recommend reviewing your GL Controls.

Good day. Thank you so much for your reply. Do you mean the GL Control Accounts in the Department Segment under the Resource? If so, there are none set up. In fact, there are only 2 departments total set up. One is 90 Subcontract Department and one is 99 General Shop Department. So appreciate your time and consideration. Kind regards, Lynn