The requested service, 'net.tcp:/vmepicortest/EpicorTest/Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc' could not be activated

Upgrading test instance from 10.2.400 to 10.2.700 and getting this error when trying to login in for the first time. I have searched the forum and it seems that this error is often related to an out of memory issue or just needing to recycle IIS, but none of those things have solved the issue in my case. If I navigate to 'http://vmepicortest/EpicorTest/Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc in a browser, I get the following info on the error page:

Parser Error Message: The type ‘Epicor.ServiceModel.Configuration.CompressionEncodingElement, Epicor.ServiceModel, Culture=neutral’ registered for extension ‘CompressionEncoder’ could not be loaded.

Which appears to be referring to this section of the web.config file:

    <!--NET.TCP - Authentication: Epicor Username - Channel encrypted via SSL -->
    <binding name="TcpCompressedUsernameSslChannel" openTimeout="00:10:00" receiveTimeout="9:00:00" sendTimeout="9:00:00">
          <readerQuotas maxDepth="50" maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" />
      <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" />
      <sslStreamSecurity />
      <tcpTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" maxBufferSize="2147483647" transferMode="Buffered" />

Similar messages appear in the event viewer.

Any help would be appreciated.

May be you did not update your web.config and still use the old one? You should compare settings you have in your current web.config with web.config.template.

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Thanks, Olga. I never figured out what was causing the issue (comparison of web.config files gave me no clues), but I ended up deploying a new Application Pool with a different name and the issue didn’t occur on the new Application.

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