The Art of Confusing the Meddlesome

Many years ago, I started a small tradition to keep myself entertained and to maintain a little sanity in an otherwise chaotic workplace. This tradition is something I have kept in place even when switching jobs.

Every so often, I create randomly bizarre folder names in my “Home Folder” - not because I need them, but because other people seem to think my screen is their business. I keep my Home Folder open on one of my monitors 99% of the time, just for this prank :slight_smile:

It started off small, but over time, I’ve kept adding to it. Now, my “Home Folder” is a masterpiece of confusion that makes anyone double-take, squint, and immediately regret snooping.

I added a few more folders today. As I was doing it, I was laughing to myself, and wanted to share my source of laughter with others. So here I amsharing the list of folders in my “Home Folder”:

:card_index_dividers: Accidentally Declared Legally Dead (Fix Pending)
:card_index_dividers: Black Market Vaccination Cards
:card_index_dividers: Cease & Desist Letters (Sorted by Threat Level)
:card_index_dividers: Clone Progress Report (Jason v3.0)
:card_index_dividers: Colonial Revival Architecture for Interracial Couples
:card_index_dividers: Confessions to FBI (Unredacted)
:card_index_dividers: Confidential - Chad’s Real Parents
:card_index_dividers: Documentation from Zoo Regarding Chad’s Lifetime Ban
:card_index_dividers: Embezzlement for Dummies
:card_index_dividers: Emergency Deportation Documents
:card_index_dividers: Evidence of Chad’s Adoption
:card_index_dividers: Foxborough v. Chad (Case No. 24-RO-0198 - Activation of Restraining Order)
:card_index_dividers: Foxborough v. Chad (Case No. 24-RO-0198 - Final Appeal Denied, LOL)
:card_index_dividers: Ironvale Judge Bans Chad Again (Restraining Order No. 3)
:card_index_dividers: Ivory Smuggling Contacts
:card_index_dividers: Journal Entries from Chad’s LiveJournal account
:card_index_dividers: Lawsuit Settlements (Chad-Related)
:card_index_dividers: Medical Records - Chad’s Third Nipple
:card_index_dividers: The Goat Was an Accident
:card_index_dividers: The Lost Episode of Blue’s Clues
:card_index_dividers: Unannounced Layoffs
:card_index_dividers: Videos of Chad’s Exorcism
:card_index_dividers: Why Chad Can Never Know

Why do I do this?
Because if you’re close enough to read the names of folders on my screen, you deserve to feel just a little concerned. :laughing:

And honestly? It’s been one of the most entertaining long-term projects I’ve ever kept up with.

At this point, I don’t even question it - I just add to it. And someday, some poor IT guy is going to have to back up my files and ask himself:

“What in God’s name happened here?!?”


That is fantastic - definitely stealing the idea. We have a “Public” share - a dumping ground of sorts - that some of these may need to appear in.


To take this a little further into the security realm and protect from cyber snoopers, there’s a cool thing called Carnary Tokens. These tokens are placed where people shouldn’t normally go. One such token is a spreadsheet is opened. So one would create a token spreadsheet with the name, “Payroll” or “Passwords” or something else that looks juicy. If someone opens the document, you receive a message. Canary Tokens are 100% free. The company behind them is called Thinkst and they make more robust detection systems for profit.


I think a Rick roll should be in every folder. Well played sir!


Yes very good humour… Well played…

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I really like this idea. Gonna bookmark this for later.


It’s kinda weird how many employers put up with users noodling around on each other’s machines. Such is life. Might as well mess with them.

Switching keyboard keys (ie, backspace and enter) is depressingly effective at stopping people hired on purpose to operate a keyboard dead in their tracks.
Using an unmarked keyboard intimidates most of the rest for some reason.

Using an unmarked Ergodox? Approximately as effective as keeping a live raccoon on your desk.


If that doesn’t work and you can’t lock your computer for some reason?

Maybe F12 a WSL terminal running Hollywood. Turn off your monitor. That’ll jumpscare a snooper.

Or remap F12 and the usual window switching shortcuts. Fullscreen Emacs, M-x shell, vi. Anyone who navigates out of that is my new friend.


Several years ago we got a new IT helpdesk guy. I decided to haze him. I took a screencap of my entire desktop, including icons, and with one open folder. Then I set it as my background, then I deleted all the desktop icons. I put in a ticket that said my icons won’t respond and I couldn’t click the open folder. He was so baffled.


Decades ago…back in the days when people turned off their machines when they left the office…

Came back from vacation and someone swapped out the Windows 95 “it’s now safe to turn off your computer” message/image with something nefariously phrased with hex codes and all that kinda stuff…implying a full-on system crash at the end of my first day back.

I was not amused.


I did that to my boss. Teach him to leave his screen unlocked.


You’re mean. I love it.


I did something similar to one of my bosses (he was a good sport). I took a screenshot of his lock screen and then made that his desktop image and hid his toolbar and all shortcuts. Took him about 15 minutes before he came over and yelled at me.

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You should add a folder that is just XXXXXX.

Nice generic name…add a few MOV or GIF files with name1, name2, etc…and then…


Rickroll Gif - IceGif