Tax Connect India GST Failing to Calculate Taxes

Has anyone run into this issue before when attempting to calculate taxes on a shipment to India?
There is HS Commodity Code on the part record but that seems different then what it’s asking for here. From the field help, just says it’s used for intrastat reporting. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I think I can answer this…we are using 10.2.700.40

Just 2 weeks ago we had this very same issue. After a week of back and forth with support (a lot of it too!) and to which they never came up with an answer for, we decided to just turn off tax connect in the Company Configuration. You’d have to make sure that all other AR users are not going to be invoicing and such so their order amounts don’t get screwed up too. Then turn it off, do the transaction for India, then turn it back on after invoice is posted.

Hope this helps.


And it’s still not working?

Brian I believe you can also assign the order lines/order a non-taxable tax category and then it won’t flow through Avalara. And then you don’t have to go through company maintenance and do that dance.

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Thank you for the responses! @utaylor we tried turning all the tax categories to Non Taxable on the Invoice, and no dice. :frowning:

@bschroeder We may have to do that for the time being but preferably would not have to do that for each shipment to India.

Do it in your test system, but did you change the ship to to be tax exempt?

We had tried all of that…customer non-taxable, ship to non-taxable, line items not-taxable, several HS Codes on the parts.

It definitely not advisable and not ideal at all, but it did work for us, so we ran with it and seeming have to after affects from it.



This ended up fixing it! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

For the record, I had to delete out the invoice, add it to the header of the order, and recreate the invoice.
Thank you to you both!

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