Task Agent Conundrum

Hey all, I recently dove into our application/sql server for Epicor. One thing that stuck out was the Task Agent for both the Live and Test environments are authenticating using the “Basic” mode and using the login of an individual that is no longer with the company. Which leads me to the few questions I have:

  1. Is the Basic Authentication Mode the best option? The other 2 are Windows or AzureAD

  2. If using Basic, I would ideally create a generic account within Epicor, TaskAdmin, to authenticate against. That said are there any specific permissions this account would need?

  3. When updating the authentication logon I know to stop the agent, then start it. Aside from that is there anything else that I’m forgetting?

New to this side of Epicor and want to make sure make sure nothing explodes on my watch :sweat_smile:

This is covered in the install guide in the Creating the System Agent User Account section.

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