Table fields for who and when a Part was entered

Anyone knows what table fields store the info for who and when a Part was entered by or last modified by.


The Data Dictionary is your friend. It has all the fields. Search for it on the Menu.

Mark W.

Yes, PartAudit table has the info, but it doesn’t record info for all the parts.

Part Table - ChangedOn, CreatedOn, CreatedBy?

Are there those fields in Table Part. I can not find/see them.

Yes, they are in the Part table.

Depending on how parts got into the system, they might not always be populated though.

Below is what I saw. There is no those fields you mentioned. We created all the parts manually

I wonder what version you are on?
Or if you might have some security getting in the way?

Looking through the schema changes, it says they added those fields to PartRev in 10.2.100. I can’t find anywhere that mentions that part table, but clearly, it must have been added between 10.1.500 and

Thanks a lot. I can’t see the fields on my version10.500.7

I would just set up the change log then. That should get whatever you need.

Thanks again. It would be greatly appreciated if you tell me how to set up the change log. Also would it affect Epicor performance?

It’s laid out very clearly in the help files.

And yes, adding too many change logs will slow down Epicor, but usually not too badly. It’s about trade offs. Don’t go wild and you should be fine.

The change logs can be hard to report against. You may consider creating a BPM that runs when a new part is created to populate two user defined fields - created by and created date. I did this on 10.0.700.x and 10.1.500.x. It was an enhancement request that made it into the product in 10.2.