Syteline Infor CloudSuite Industrial (CSI) to Epicor 10 Migration

We are looking to migrate a company currently using Syteline Infor CloudSuite Industrial (CSI) into our on-prem Epicor 10.2.500. Has anyone gone through a similar Syteline-Epicor migration? Any feedback/advice would be appreciated.

I don’t think I’ve done an implementation from Syteline (at least not recently), but in general there are two main areas to cause you sleepless nights.

First, the way your data is folded, spindled, and mutilated in Syteline is different from how it will be folded, spindled, and mutilated in Epicor. Spend some time understand how your “foundation data” (customers, customer terms, warehouse strategy, gl structure, production hierarchy, etc) is put together in Syteline, and then when you get Epicor installed, look into the Demo database and see how Epicor does it. Make a plan for how you’re going to map the data from one to the other. Continually refine/modify that plan until it works the way you want it to work.

Second, although they are both solid ERP solutions, they have different design philosophies, so the processes you use in Syteline probably won’t exactly match how the same things will be done within Epicor. “But that’s how we always did it” is your enemy.

That’s the 35,000 foot view. Once you’re up to your armpits in alligators it’s hard to remember that your goal was to drain the swamp.

Good luck!

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