Does anyone know if the content on the sysconfig file changes after each Epicor update?
Yes, it gets overwritten from the server except the stuff under user settings.
We have an MES customization where we manually have to add a line in the sysconfig file for every time Epicor pushes an update out. Is there a way to automatically update the file/user setting without having to manually go in and modify it?
I know of no way to avoid this in the old smart client.
This is yet another reason to upgrade to Kinetic and use the web browser to run the new UI. There is no longer a need to edit a sysconfig file anymore.
Yes, you just move that line to the user settings section of the config file and then it doesn’t get overwritten. It has to be changed on each users workstation but from then on you won’t have to do any updates. Epicor KB0051036
Overwriting a .sysconfig file is far more easier than dealing with Kinetic which has a million bugs and is poorly tested.
Alisa, I will have to try this! Thank you.
As we have expanded the manually updating has become a pain.
I can verify that moving the line into the UserSettings does work for running the customization.
I will verify after the next update that it has taken hold.