Symbols in Part Numbers

EPICOR has a white paper for this.




From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 2:45 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Symbols in Part Numbers






i was recommended not to use ` and ~ .



I know that you can use a dash or an underscore in E9 part numbers. Are any other symbols available for use in part numbers? (I think that may be easier to answer than “what symbols *cannot* be used in E9 part numbers?”)


We are trying to replace some part numbers that were inadvertently put in with a wrong UoM.


Our system uses version 9.05.702A.


Thanks in advance!



I’ve always strongly encouraged folks to only use alphanumeric characters and no symbols whatsoever.  Feel free to put whatever you want in Part Description, but I’m a big advocate of keeping the Part Number clean for downstream purposes such as barcoding, reporting, exporting, importing, upgrades, etc. 


You never know where a backwards apostrophe (grave accent) or a pipe may screw up barcoding or a BAQ Dashboard etc. 




From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 3:37 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Symbols in Part Numbers



I know that you can use a dash or an underscore in E9 part numbers. Are any other symbols available for use in part numbers? (I think that may be easier to answer than “what symbols *cannot* be used in E9 part numbers?”)


We are trying to replace some part numbers that were inadvertently put in with a wrong UoM.


Our system uses version 9.05.702A.


Thanks in advance!



Hanzi character part numbers…those are fun.


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Symbols in Part Numbers



I’ve always strongly encouraged folks to only use alphanumeric characters and no symbols whatsoever.  Feel free to put whatever you want in Part Description, but I’m a big advocate of keeping the Part Number clean for downstream purposes such as barcoding, reporting, exporting, importing, upgrades, etc. 


You never know where a backwards apostrophe (grave accent) or a pipe may screw up barcoding or a BAQ Dashboard etc. 




From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 3:37 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Symbols in Part Numbers



I know that you can use a dash or an underscore in E9 part numbers. Are any other symbols available for use in part numbers? (I think that may be easier to answer than “what symbols *cannot* be used in E9 part numbers?”)


We are trying to replace some part numbers that were inadvertently put in with a wrong UoM.


Our system uses version 9.05.702A.


Thanks in advance!



i was recommended not to use ` and ~ .