(Andris Skulte)
April 15, 2021, 3:42pm
We’re trying to streamline our shipping process by eliminating button clicks, and I’ve been asked to suppress these pop ups. I’ve suppressed the credit limit message in sales order entry by setting the cCreditLimitMessage field to “”, but I don’t see anything similar field in my Customer Shipment Entry trace (with ‘Write Response Data’ checked). I’m guessing it’s hard-coded.
How can I stop it (or at least program an automatic “yes/ok” click when it pops up?
Answer no and stop the “Is this Packing Slip ready to Ship?” confirmation after Actions>Print. Our answer is always NO.
Stop the Packslip Printed message after Actions>F5 Freight.
Answer no & stop the COD popup message on Phantom Packs. This answer is always NO.
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(Tim Shoemaker)
April 15, 2021, 4:45pm
I have sometimes been successful at eliminating popups… there is typically a call that checks something, and you can eliminate the call, or change the parameters on the call.
To figure it out, you need to run a trace and then cause the “confirmation window” to happen. Look at the trace to find the parameters and see if there is something that can be done just prior (pre processing) to the call.
(Andris Skulte)
April 15, 2021, 5:19pm
@timshuwy - I don’t see anything in a trace, unfortunately. To get the pop-up, I opened Customer Shipment Entry, pick and order, mass ship, ship all, then Actions > Close and Actions > Print. You don’t even need to print anything, just open and close the print window will cause the pop up.
Here’s the trace from when I click on Actions > Print, close the print window, and then click NO on the pop-up:
<localTime>4/15/2021 11:48:07:8974610 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="88" roundTrip="60" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="28" />
<parameter name="packNum" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[581037]]></parameter>
<parameter name="CallContext" type="Ice.Bpm.Context.ContextDataSet">
<ContextDataSet xmlns="">
<returnParameter name="returnDS" type="Erp.BO.CustShipDataSet">
<CustShipDataSet xmlns="">
<ScheduleNumber>Schedule Number</ScheduleNumber>
<BTCustomerName>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship</BTCustomerName>
<ShipToNumName>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship</ShipToNumName>
<ShipToAddressFormatted>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship
<MASKED> CT 06032-1029
<SoldToAddressFormatted>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship
<MASKED> CT 06032-1029
<CustomerName>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship</CustomerName>
<OurBankBankName>TD BANK</OurBankBankName>
<OurBankDescription>TD BANK</OurBankDescription>
<ShipToCustName>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship</ShipToCustName>
<ShipViaCodeDescription>FEDEX PARCEL GROUND</ShipViaCodeDescription>
<ShipViaCodeWebDesc>FEDEX GROUND</ShipViaCodeWebDesc>
<TaxRegionDescription>NON-TAXABLE STATE</TaxRegionDescription>
<LineDesc>FLAT 2 WAY MANIFOLD</LineDesc>
<MarkForAddrFormatted>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship
<MASKED> CT 06032-1029
<BinNumDescription>DOCK DEFAULT LOCATION</BinNumDescription>
<CustNumName>Andris Testing Only Do Not Ship</CustNumName>
<OrderLineLineDesc>FLAT 2 WAY MANIFOLD</OrderLineLineDesc>
<OrderNumCardMemberName>Declined Test Card</OrderNumCardMemberName>
<PartNumPartDescription>FLAT 2 WAY MANIFOLD</PartNumPartDescription>
<WarehouseCodeDescription>IOWA WAREHOUSE</WarehouseCodeDescription>
<CountryDescription>UNITED STATES</CountryDescription>
<Op Utc="2021-04-15T15:48:08.0841704Z" act="Erp:BO:CustShip/CustShipSvcContract/GetByID" correlationId="32c27cbc-b90f-422a-8ec7-3c0ff117111b" dur="45.9321" cli="<MASKED>" usr="<MASKED>" machine="<MASKED>" pid="9888" tid="89" xmlns="" />
(Tim Shoemaker)
April 15, 2021, 5:51pm
Hmmm… maybe it is not a method. instead it might be built right into the UI, which means it cannot be done with a BPM.
I did this with the “Credit Check” popup in Sales Order Entry… it was popping after every new line item, and we only wanted to see it the first time.
(Andris Skulte)
April 15, 2021, 5:54pm
Yup, I did too! That’s what I thought this was a gimme. Seemingly not, now… How would one intercept it in the UI?
1 Like
(Andris Skulte)
April 16, 2021, 9:36pm
Found a similar thread where adding a wizard on closing the print form worked, but something changed in 10.2.700, and it no longer works: Disabling Prompt "Is this Packing Slip Ready to Ship" - #9 by askulte
private void PackingSlipPrintForm_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs args)
// Add Event Handler Code
oTrans.GetType().GetField("ReportPrinted", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(oTrans, false);