Supplier PriceList by Plant/Site

Is there a way in Epicor to have 2 different supplier prices for the same part number? I would like to separate the prices by plant.

We are going to have increased pricing for items being shipped to plant#2.


Primary supplier is attached in PartPlant record. If its different supplier then it should not be a problem.

Watching this one keenly as I can see down the track we could run into these issues. Please post back and report on how you solved this.

Raised this issue with Epicor back in 2010 as we need to have PurPoint specific price list option similar to ShipTo in Customer side.
Recommend to create Plant/Site specific costing ID (same as Plant Id) to have separate costing which will help to see true cost/margin at each site.

It would be the same supplier and the same partnumber.

Will do

That would only affect the cost of the inventory once arriving to the warehouse and not the supplier price on the purchase order is that right? We use average costing method not standard.

Yes, only when PO is received. If its a minor difference in price, it should not be a problem. Otherwise its going to distort the average cost.