Hello All,
We have several parts that we purchase from 2 different suppliers. Each supplier has a different price for the same part, so I am trying to put this info into epicor so that the buyers do not have to manually enter the price on the PO every time.
I set up supplier part no’s that are tied to our part number in supplier price list. However, I am not sure how to tie the different prices to the supplier part number. I see that multiple price breaks can be tied to our part number, but I just want a flat price tied to the supplier part number.
This seems like it would be simple, but I’m having issues figuring it out. Any ideas?
Our P/N: ABC-662-S776 (comes in two types based on material properties (V1 and V2)
supplier A part no’s: ABC-662-S776-supplierA-V1 - $1,000 EA
ABC-662-S776-supplier A-V2 - $1,200 EA
Supplier B Part no’s: ABC-662-S776-supplierB-V1-$900 EA
ABC-662-S776-supplierB-V2-$1,100 EA