You can use criteria for these selections � version 9 �
Fiscalyear = specific constant
You can get the current fiscal year by using a specific constant � selection
field would be fiscalyear
For the constant value, type if month(today) = 1 then year(today) � 1 else
year(today) in the value box
Fiscalperiod = specific constant
For the previous period. you would use a specific constant value of
If month(today) > 1 then month(today) - 1 else 12
You would type in the above examples in the value box � constant value.
I hope this helps.
Carl Peterson, CPIM
Nexus Software, Inc.
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 6:44 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: summary dashboard question
I ended up "hard-coding" the date in the BAQ criteria as Fiscal Year = 2011.
this gets me a fiscal YTD number as well as last years #'s.
I have not yet gotten a "last fiscal period" method without changing the
fiscal period manually each month.
Brad Boes
--- In <> ,
"dcabreraqc" <dcabrera@...> wrote:
no-lock , each InvcDtl where (InvcHead.Company = InvcDtl.Company and
InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl.InvoiceNum) no-lock.
Customer.CustNum = InvcHead.CustNum) no-lock by Customer.Name.
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You can use criteria for these selections � version 9 �
Fiscalyear = specific constant
You can get the current fiscal year by using a specific constant � selection
field would be fiscalyear
For the constant value, type if month(today) = 1 then year(today) � 1 else
year(today) in the value box
Fiscalperiod = specific constant
For the previous period. you would use a specific constant value of
If month(today) > 1 then month(today) - 1 else 12
You would type in the above examples in the value box � constant value.
I hope this helps.
Carl Peterson, CPIM
Nexus Software, Inc.
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 6:44 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: summary dashboard question
I ended up "hard-coding" the date in the BAQ criteria as Fiscal Year = 2011.
this gets me a fiscal YTD number as well as last years #'s.
I have not yet gotten a "last fiscal period" method without changing the
fiscal period manually each month.
Brad Boes
--- In <> ,
"dcabreraqc" <dcabrera@...> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> We work with Vantage 8.03.408B and i need to pass the report to a
> I want to know the invoiced sales summarized by date and products.InvcHead.InvoiceDate = 08/04/2011 AND InvcHead.InvoiceDate <= 10/27/2011))
> i tried it with :
> for each InvcHead where ( InvcHead.Company = Constants.CurComp AND (
no-lock , each InvcDtl where (InvcHead.Company = InvcDtl.Company and
InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl.InvoiceNum) no-lock.
> (Invcdtl is a summarized table)their quantite(�")?
> But i only have the total.
> How can i show the products, the date provided, the inventory unite and
>"brad_boes" <bboes@> wrote:
> Thank you :)
> --- In <> ,
> >without your help. Thank you.
> > Perfect! I was close, but not quite and would not have gotten there
> >"Kirstin Brandt" <kirstin.brandt@> wrote:
> > You gotta love this group...
> >
> > Brad Boes
> > Metalworks
> >
> > --- In <> ,
> > >and it's written for multi-company in 8.03.405. In case it helps, my query
> > > Brad - I have a version of this, but it's not exactly what you want
> > >= Constants.FiscalYear) and (Customer.Company = InvcHead.Company and
> > > for each Customer no-lock , each InvcHead where ( InvcHead.FiscalYear
Customer.CustNum = InvcHead.CustNum) no-lock by Customer.Name.
> > >help you get started?
> > > (InvcHead is a summarized table.)
> > >
> > > I know there are changes/improvement in BAQs in 9, but maybe this will
> > >"brad_boes" <bboes@> wrote:
> > > --- In <> ,
> > > >shows invoiced sales summarized by customer.
> > > > We are on 9.05.603 and I am trying to build a BAQ/dashboard that
> > > >how to do this in a BAQ/dashboard if possible.
> > > > We have this report in crystal currently, but I would like to learn
> > > >to share?
> > > > Does anyone have a summary BAQ like this that they would be willing
> > > >last week, last fiscal month or last fiscal year.
> > > > My end result "product" would be a top ten customer dashboard for
> > > >_____
> > > > Thanks in advance.
> > > >
> > > > Brad Boes
> > > > Metalworks
> > > >
> > >
> >
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