Summarizing rows on a dashboard

Good morning,
I have created a BAQ and Dashboard to show the remaining (estimated) hours on each open/released job/asm. Instead of the hours being totaled by operation, I have totaled them by department. The dashboard shows a list of the jobs/asms, and the associated hours for each department. This works well.

I want to give the managers the ability to choose a subset of the jobs from this list and see the total hours by department for just those jobs. To do this I made my BAQ a UBAQ and added a bit field = false to my BAQ. I pushed this into my dashboard, and now I can select a job by clicking the checkbox in the grid. I can select a lot of jobs this way by clicking them one at a time. Selecting the checkbox is a little bit finicky. Sometimes it checks, sometimes it just highlights the row. It usually resets the grid so that my last row is on top, and it just takes longer than it should.

Regardless, once my subset of jobs are selected in this way, I can easily group by that bit field column to see the totals for just the selected jobs. The end product works fine, it is just slow and clunky.

In my example, I select a few jobs and their asms. You can’t see the asm because it is off the screen, but each job/asm is only listed once.

Is there a better way to do this? Something that would let me easily choose a subset of jobs/asms and then get a summary for that.

Thanks for your time!

Bumping this thread… There has to be a better (faster) way of selecting the jobs I want to subtotal. Exporting to Excel is the next best option, as this dashboard is intolerably slow for selecting more than a dozen jobs.

Why not just add all of the elements you want to group on to the Group bar? Then if someone wants to change it they can just remove what they don’t want?

I want the manager to be able to “select” jobs for the summary by clicking the check box. I don’t know any other way of selecting an arbitrary list of jobs from a grid. Once they “select” the jobs, then they drag the summarize row to the group by header and it shows the totals for just the selected jobs. If we knew ahead of time which jobs the manager wanted to select then this wouldn’t be an issue, I could hard-code it into the BAQ. But the manager wants to be able to try our various combinations by selecting various subsets of jobs and reviewing their hours.

I can’t think of a better way this actually seems pretty slick I wish I had thought of it.

It would be slick if it didn’t take forever to click the check boxes for the jobs we want to flag. The grid likes to move around every time we check a box, and it takes an extra second or two to save something between each click. It can’t really be saving anything because the checkboxes don’t update or link to any UD fields.

since you are not necessarily “really” updating the database, but using the updatable field as a way to summarize, it might be possible to specify the BAQ to support multiple dirty rows, but then go into the UBAQ BPM editor, and remove all teh code that is there that does the update to the database. this would make it faster, while the dashboard would still do the summarization.

ALSO… in the past, I have created “calculated fields” in an updatable dashboard, and then marked that calculated field as updatable… but in reality, that field doesn’t send data back to the database, but is used for other purposes. Maybe if you made your checkbox a calculated field instead of a DB field?

I will give these ideas a shot! Thanks Tim!

Just change the BPM to Advanced BPM update only.

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Thank you guys! This did the trick! It is now trivial to check off a whole list of rows. There is no noticeable delay, and no tricky back and forth clicking. Thank you so much!

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