I have made several attempts with no luck. I am trying to create a simple BAQ that will sum month to date Ext Price Dtl by customer. I have also researched on several sites and have not found a solution. Would appreciate any help on this. Thank you!
Filter the table by the BAQ constant FirstDayOfCurrentMonth. Group by all non-summary fields and add a calculated field for
If you don’t want them grouped, look up windowing functions. Something like this.
Sum(price) over (partition by customer, month order by date asc)
My syntax is probably not right, as I’m typing on my phone right now, but that should get you your running sum by customer and month.
I greatly apologize for my delay but want to thank you for your suggestion. This makes sense and will give it a try. I would prefer not to group but I am confident this will work fine. Thank you again, greatly appreciate your time.
I apologize for my delay in replying. This solution makes sense and I will give it a try. Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated.