Substance restrictions on packing slip

I can add a few tables and relationships to bring in the substance restrictions onto the packing slip, but I just noticed that there is already a table in the RDD called SubstRestriction. It appears to be a special table (i.e. not available to BAQs) for the packing slip. I added a relationship to link it to ShipDtl, but I’m not getting any information from it to appear on the form. Does anyone know what the intention behind this table is?

Epicor supplied RDD’s often have some magic happening behind the scenes. And more Importantly, the listed “tables” aren’t really the tables of the same name in the DB. They are the temp table that the code behind the RDD populates based on the inputs to the RDD. So OrderHed_GUID in the report DB isn’t really the Orderhead Table or even a complete subset of it.

That SubstRestrictions is most likely one of these “tables” that is created only when the RDD is run.

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So if it the table isn’t joined by default in the RDD, and the manual join isn’t working, what other options are there for accessing the information in the table?

That “table” is probably the output of the code and joins (to real tables) that the RDD uses. So adding relationships to that table in the RDD most likely won’t work. You could add them in RDL’s query expression.

What information are you trying to get, that you can only do so by linking to data in the SubstRestriction “table”? Have you checked to see if maybe it already is in that “table” but is just excluded?

Here’s a list of all the tables with a field or description referencing “Substance” Use the data dictionary on each to see what the fields are.


Maybe that will help.

I think Epicor does this sometimes if this is a feature that needs to be purchased. Is there a Product SKU for Hazardous materials? If so, you might need it to get the data from the RDD process.

Just wondering…

Any RDD that runs code behind the scenes for something like a recursive need for multi-level BOMs, will most likely generate these table that only exist in reporting DB.


Here’s the OrderAck RDD. I’m pretty sure there is no table named OHOrderMsc. Not even one only used by some non-standard module.


Oh, I agree. I’m suggesting that Epicor might ALSO do the same for productize features, that’s all.

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