Hello all,
Does anyone have any experience with creating a fixed or scaling quantity to parent for a subcontract in E10? Some of our parts have to go to have testing, both destructive and non-destructive-we don’t get the destructive pcs back, and the number of pcs that have to be tested does depend on the total lot size but the numbers are so off it is difficult to do a qty/parent. For example, if our total lot size is up to 3200 pcs we need 3 pcs destructive tested and 125 pcs non-destructive. If the lot size is 10,001-35,000 pcs we need 3 destructive and 315 non-destructive. We have not been able to figure out a good way to calculate this in Epicor for Subcontract that will change depending on the lot size and we don’t necessarily want to have to adjust it every time we put in a new job for said part. I have thought about a fixed qty for the subcontract that is like the fixed qty for materials because it would be easier to navigate in the future than a scale, especially when I consider our 10% over/under for the initial job quantity and that the operation won’t show as complete because the qty is off from what the system sees it should be. I have no idea if that would be possible or not however. Well, I’m sure with enough time and money it is possible but I am not experienced enough to know if this is a crazy request or not. We have looked for a solution to this and not been able to see one so I thought I would see if anyone else had something similar and could advise in some way or any ideas we hadn’t thought of. I realize that there is the option that we just have to adjust it and that is all there is to it. I appreciate any input I get. Thanks in advance.