Subcontract operation: How does purchasing see requirements for PO creation?

Subcontract operation: How does purchasing see requirements for PO creation?
We typically used Subcontract only for outside service for plating or powdering our parts and because these ops were on a majority of our jobs, we always used Misc shipment and regular Receipt entry of subcontract…so we rarely issued a Purchase Order.

The times we did need a Purchase Order, our Purchasing dept relied on an email from the person that was requesting a subcontract operation was being entered onto a job.

We would like to avoid the need for emails to alert Purchasing. How does Purchasing see requirements from a subcontract operation in need of a PO? We do not have MRP and rely on Timephase reporting.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Joy Fekkes
Jaco, Inc

PO Suggestions

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Hi Joy,

Can you run PO Suggestions? There is a tab for SubContract operations in New PO Suggestions.

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  1. you need to have jobs with “Sub-Contract” operations (a special kind of operation). The sub contract operation has a place to load who the supplier is, the cost, etc.
  2. you firm, release, and schedule the job. This helps the system know that there is a sub-contract operation that needs to be addressed.
  3. “Generate PO Suggestions” or run MRP Regeneration (both do the same thing here).
  4. Look at the PO Suggestions, You should see the suggestion that came from the job above to be purchased.
  5. Buyer clicks the checkbox, and chooses “Generate POs”.