Sub totals and group totals in SSRS report

I am building a custom inspection report that is in a cross tab in SSRS. Row Group is Day(date) to have 1-31 displayed for each row, and the column group is Month(Date), and level

Per each month there are 4 different levels. I currently have a total at the bottom that shows the total of each level for the month.

Is there a way to add an additional total below that which would be a combination of all levels for the month?

Similar to below:
|Date| January|
|Total| 35|33|17|36|

Hi Marc - If you right click on the group, there is an option to add totals. It automatically adds the row or column for you, and then you choose which fields to summarize. Sounds like you need to do that for the Month column group.


When i do this it adds a total to the right, not at the bottom

Oh, I see your issue now.

I’m not sure if this will work, but you could try adding the scope in the aggregate expression… so you’d add a blank row at the bottom and insert an expression into a cell that would be something like:

Sum(ReportItems!Level_Total.Value, "Month")

Replace Level_Total with the name of the cell that displays the level totals, and Month should be the name of your month group.

Is there a way to merge the cells for the top level group so the total doesn’t show for every second level grouping?

I was able to get what I was looking for. Added a cell inside of the group for month, then did a summary of the qty field by month and it totals correctly. Just shows at the top of the report instead of at the bottom.