Stupid browser manipulation tricks, or, how to view ALL THE COLUMNS on your ultrawide monitor

The browser client contains some hard max-width limits to keep the displayed width from spilling unreasonably beyond the boundaries of a 1080p monitor.

Most monitors aren’t 1080p any more, and if yours is wider than 1300 pixels, you’ll see that grids and other content don’t use the full width.
On an ultrawide monitor one might get a crick in their neck from peering over at the UI all squidged up to the left.
One might get annoyed enough to target that behavior with custom rules in a certain content blocker authored by a certain Mr Hill which out of respect for our hosts I’ll leave at that. none !important) none !important) none !important)

I did not know you could insert custom css! Adding these rules pushes the max-width decision to the browser, and browsers are broadly smart about scaling these days so it just works. And now I can see all the columns at once.


You should put this in as an EpiIdea

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