Strange error during BPM


I have a BPM which uses a BPM data form with a few buttons to choose a style of email to send. I’m getting an error immediately after the BPM data form closes, between the BPM data form and the condition which checks which button was pressed. This was tested by putting a message box between those two, and the error arrives before the message box.

Here is the error I’m getting: “This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.”

The BPM does not attempt to modify the database in any way. It was working when I tested it last month.

Any ideas?

The issue seems to have resolved itself with no intervention from me. I am worried it may pop back up and would appreciate any ideas as to the cause anyway.

Was it only on one client? It’s possible there was an old cache on your client.

Yes, it was only one client, but I’m the only one working in Epicor right now (we haven’t deployed yet). Cache seems likely. Thanks.