I was just wanting to let people know that I found out one reason why the stock status is printing Zero on some rancome parts that are have a cutoff date prior to today.
It is because if there is a NEGATIVE STK-MTL transaction on that cutoff date then ZERO cost is on the stock status.
Now many of you may say how it is possible to do NEGATIVE STK-MTL as if you go into Issue Mtl to a Job you are not allowed to do a negative. So the usual process to fix a job that has been over issued is use a Job Adjustment.
Yet those of you that are getting ZERO UNIT COST on what seems to be random parts when you have a Cutoff date prior to todays date are probably doing some BACKFLUSH for some parts.
And if someone accidentally posted labor with a qty to an operation where a backflush mtl part has that as a related operation. When you do a Job Adjustment to reduce that Labor Operation sequence and do a negative qty - YOU WILL GET A NEGATIVE STK-MTL
I had an example of a part tranaction history with
10/02/2023 PUR-STK 46,490 LB <<==Positive
09/29/2023 STK-MTL -135.27 LB <<==Negative
09/29/2023 ADJ-QTY -200.15 LB <<==Negative
09/29/2023 STK-MTL 183.05 LB <<==Positive
09/27/2023 STK-MTL 19.65 LB <<==Positive
In the above Scenario if i ran the STock status for this part
Cutoff Date: 9/27 the part had the proper Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 9/28 the part had the proper Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 9/29 the part had a ZERO Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 9/30 the part had a ZERO Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 10/01 the part had a ZERO Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 10/01 the part had the proper Unit Cost
No Cutoff Date: the part had the proper Unit Cost
I followed the following steps in the test environment
Ran Stock Status for a part with a date in the past Lets say it was 11/1
There were no transactions for this part on 11/1 or 11/2 but there was a STK-MTL on 11/3
–Part Had appropriate unit Cost
Did an ADJ-QTY negative transaction +
–Part Had appropriate unit Cost
this was a backflush part so i found a job in October the prior month with a labor qty for the related operation for this part.
I Did a adjust qty to the Labor Operation.
I now had a NEGATIVE STK-MTL transation for 11/1
In the above Scenario if i ran the STock status for this part
Cutoff Date: 10/31 the part had the proper Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 10/31 the part had the proper Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 11/01 the part had a ZERO Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 11/02 the part had a ZERO Unit Cost
Cutoff Date: 11/03 the part had the proper Unit Cost
No Cutoff Date: the part had the proper Unit Cost
I was able to address the issue for accounting by pulling in the partcost table and have formula in the Report to Calc the extended price using partcost if the epicor data had a zero cost for that part.
We will be writing up a ticket to epicor… I so some older posts on this issue and did not see this solution and when writing up this on one of those tickets i was asked if wanted to post on this old *** ticket so i decided just to publish what i found rather than put this on an old ticket. Hope this helps some people and if you have already found this your self and have turned in a ticket- please let us know because when we called epicor they just said they cannot guarantee the unit cost if a prior cutoff date is put in which is not a good answer. I can understand there may be some fuzzyness with recalcing average unit cost but ZERO- nah that does not answer what appears to be a incorrect calculation with this particular situation.