Stock Status Report - Field Format Help

Good afternoon Epicor community!

I am trying to format the number of decimal places on the “Extended Cost” field in the Stock Status Report. I’ve done this numerous times across different fields on different reports, but this one is more complicated and is not responding to my usual method.

Here’s what the expression is showing -

=iif(( (Parameters!Pm_StkPart_WarehouseCode.Value = “” and Parameters!Pm_StkPart_LotNum.Value = “”) or (Fields!WarehouseCode.Value <> Parameters!Pm_StkPart_WarehouseCode.Value and Parameters!Pm_StkPart_LotNum.Value = “”) or (Fields!LotNum.Value <> Parameters!Pm_StkPart_LotNum.Value and Parameters!Pm_StkPart_WarehouseCode.Value = “”) ), 0, Format(Fields!Multiplier.Value * Fields!ExtCost.Value,“#,##0.00”) & CHR(160) )

I tried modifying the format component of the expression to reflect 4 decimal places instead of 2, but it does not appear to be working when I run the report -

Format(Fields!Multiplier.Value * Fields!ExtCost.Value,“#,##0.0000”) & CHR(160) )

Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

Thanks for your time and any assistance you can provide.


I hate trying to format numbers in the expression. I usually strip out any formatting in the expression and right click on the object and use the properties in the menu. I find this much more reliable and easier.

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That’s a good idea, thanks!
I was able to figure this one out.
It turns out I was looking in one of the sub-reports and discovered the field I want to format is in the main report. I realized this shortly after posting this, but appreciate the tip for next time!

I just use

="N" + CStr(First(Fields!DecimalsQuantity.Value, "RptParameter"))