Stock Status Part GL

I have written a stock status BAQ since the stock report is not working for us.
It has been working well, but I have received a request to add a column for “What GL the part goes to”.
I think he’s saying he wants to see whether it’s in the raw material or FG GL account.
How do I even…?
Would it work to link the TranGLC and pull the last GL account associated with each part number?

Hi Aaron,

Check out the Inventory Transaction Hierarchy Document in EpicWeb. For parts received to stock, the GL Controls (which tell you the account number) go like this:

  1. Part GL control
  2. Inventory account from Part Class GL control
  3. Inventory account from Company’s Inventory COS and WIP GL control
    If Division segment is used, the segment value comes from warehouse GL control then site GL

Hopefully, yours is straight-forward.

Mark W.

Perfect. The Part Class Control got me what I needed.
Thanks Mark!