Stock Report and General Ledger Reconciliation

Hello all,

I am wondering if any of you have experienced issues reconciling your stock status report to your general ledger inventory accounts. I have reviewed my GL control for part classes and summarized the total amount contributed to GL inventory accounts but not stock report due to GL control error. These amounts still do not tie out to my difference in raw materials (GL roughly $44k higher currently). I have read some previous posts cautioning reconciling the stock report to the GL due to material receipt timing, issuance to jobs, costing, etc. We use avg cost for inventory reporting. Appreciate any feedback or advice you are able to provide.

The official guidance on this from Epicor is that the Stock Status is not designed to match to the GL.

I have created a dashboard in the past which listed the part bin details along with Part cost. I displayed the inventory GL account for the control code attached to the part class. This ties to the GL.

Knowledge Page - EpicCare (

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If GL is higher than the stock status, check the PUR-UKN transactions whether its posted to Inventory GL account.

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Thanks for your response Arul. I have reviewed the purchase unknown transactions and these total roughly $8k due to an error on gl control. Unfortunately this does not total to the difference between gl and stock report for raw materials mentioned above. Any other advice is appreciated as I don’t understand why the GL would not balance with inventory.

  1. When running Stock Status Report, please ensure that Include Non-Stock Items flag is ticked
  2. Write a BAQ linking PartBin and PartCost, and get the stock value. Compare the value against Stock Status Report value. In the past, had issue with Stock Status Report for lot tracked parts
  3. Check if there is non IJ journal in the GL for the Raw Material account
  4. Write a a BAQ linking GLJrnDtl for the Raw Material account linking TranGLC and PartTran, and you should be able to get stock value for part from GL side.