1) once started the external program has no link with Vantage as a result it
remains active when you shutdown Vantage.
2) For example you have a word document called "ISO9000 FAQ.doc" that you
want to publish to all vantage users.
- make a copy of external.p and rename it to udISO9000FAQ.p and save it
into the Vantage\UD directory.
- Save the word document somewhere on the network for instance on V:\docs.
- Edit with notepad or the progress procedure editor udISO9000FAQ.p and
change the lines:
ASSIGN ProgName = 'winword.exe'
ProgOption = '"c:\eManufacturing TEST Document.doc"'.
ASSIGN ProgName = 'winword.exe'
ProgOption = '"V:\Docs\ISO9000 FAQ.doc"'.
Notice the dot at the end of the second line. I have put double quotes
around V:\Docs\ISO9000 FAQ.doc because the file name contains a space
character. Also, in the udISO9000FAQ.p the lines between '/*' and '*/' are
- Open vantage and go to: System management -> Utilities -> Menu Structure
Maintenance and add udISO9000FAQ.p to the menu. Now you are able to start
ISO9000 FAQ.doc from the main menu.
3) This a slightly diferrent question:
- go to Sales Management -> Quote Management -> Master File Maintenance ->
Custom Report Link and add the report builder library to link and select a
report from the library. Notice the change report filters checkbox.
- go to System management -> Utilities -> Menu Structure Maintenance and add
the Custom Report Link to the menu.
I hope this will help.
Ronald van der Linden
Product Manager
Macroscoop BV
-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Spann [mailto:Malcolm@...]
Sent: donderdag 5 april 2001 22:37
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Starting external programs from the menu
Thanks for the program, Ronald! Couple of quick questions:
1) We are using Michael Poldin's timout utility with Vantage. If a
user launches an external program, and is 'inactive' in Vantage,
when/if Vantage times out, what will happen to the external
2) Could you provide a bit more detailed instructions for the use of
your program? I've figured out (I think) how to edit the command
lines, to rename it UD<something>.p, and put it in the Vantage\UD
directory on my server (right so far?). Now what? How do I add an
entry in Vantage itself?
3) Perhaps on the same topic, how can I add a Report Builder
report to the Vantage menu? How can I have that report open up to
the 'filter' options automatically?
Thanks all.
Malcolm Spann
Malmberg Engineering
(925) 606-6500 x19
(925) 606-6505 FAX
To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
1) once started the external program has no link with Vantage as a result it
remains active when you shutdown Vantage.
2) For example you have a word document called "ISO9000 FAQ.doc" that you
want to publish to all vantage users.
- make a copy of external.p and rename it to udISO9000FAQ.p and save it
into the Vantage\UD directory.
- Save the word document somewhere on the network for instance on V:\docs.
- Edit with notepad or the progress procedure editor udISO9000FAQ.p and
change the lines:
ASSIGN ProgName = 'winword.exe'
ProgOption = '"c:\eManufacturing TEST Document.doc"'.
ASSIGN ProgName = 'winword.exe'
ProgOption = '"V:\Docs\ISO9000 FAQ.doc"'.
Notice the dot at the end of the second line. I have put double quotes
around V:\Docs\ISO9000 FAQ.doc because the file name contains a space
character. Also, in the udISO9000FAQ.p the lines between '/*' and '*/' are
- Open vantage and go to: System management -> Utilities -> Menu Structure
Maintenance and add udISO9000FAQ.p to the menu. Now you are able to start
ISO9000 FAQ.doc from the main menu.
3) This a slightly diferrent question:
- go to Sales Management -> Quote Management -> Master File Maintenance ->
Custom Report Link and add the report builder library to link and select a
report from the library. Notice the change report filters checkbox.
- go to System management -> Utilities -> Menu Structure Maintenance and add
the Custom Report Link to the menu.
I hope this will help.
Ronald van der Linden
Product Manager
Macroscoop BV
-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Spann [mailto:Malcolm@...]
Sent: donderdag 5 april 2001 22:37
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Starting external programs from the menu
Thanks for the program, Ronald! Couple of quick questions:
1) We are using Michael Poldin's timout utility with Vantage. If a
user launches an external program, and is 'inactive' in Vantage,
when/if Vantage times out, what will happen to the external
2) Could you provide a bit more detailed instructions for the use of
your program? I've figured out (I think) how to edit the command
lines, to rename it UD<something>.p, and put it in the Vantage\UD
directory on my server (right so far?). Now what? How do I add an
entry in Vantage itself?
3) Perhaps on the same topic, how can I add a Report Builder
report to the Vantage menu? How can I have that report open up to
the 'filter' options automatically?
Thanks all.
> -----Original Message-----===============================================
> From: R.van.der.Linden@... [SMTP:R.van.der.Linden@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 4:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Starting external programs from the menu
> I have created a little program that allows you to start programs
> like word, excel, acrobat reader, etc from the menu.
> Is anyone else interested in this program? If so then I will upload
> it to egroups.
> Ronald van der Linden
> Macroscoop
Malcolm Spann
Malmberg Engineering
(925) 606-6500 x19
(925) 606-6505 FAX
To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to