I have a Standard Directive on the MtlQueue table which should send an API request per individual line in the Material Queue. I need the Post call to the API to happen after the new record has written to the table so I have to use Standard Directive.
I cannot get around the ‘ttMtlQueue has mulitple records’ error message.
This works perfectly fine in In Transaction but it posts to the API too soon as we have records sat in waiting and then a program will remove the records from the material queue.
I am unsure how to get around the multiple row issue!
In your SetMtlSeq Var 1, you are trying to set it to the value of 1 row, when there are more than
one. You either need to process for all rows, or pick a row to get your value from.
I ran a trace but it returns no Methods.
I am trying to hook onto a process that was created by a third party consultant.
the In Transaction directive on the MtlQueue table is the only directive that seems triggers anything.
I have resorted to using the below to figure out which methods or tables i can use in Post but nothing happens.
Just to add, with the standard process i can trigger andy bpm to run
The only reference on the function is this dll file.
I cant get into it, it seems to be locked.
We run it on a schedule and it picks up any sales orders that can be picked in the warehouse and sends them out to the material queue for picking. It auto allocates to available warehouse bins, skipping the Fulfilment Workbench.
The gist I got from it is do your work in the in trans data directive,
and pass it to the standard through the call context data or some other means
and do your final work/post there.
@klincecum I have managed to get the Standard Directive firing and bringing over the MtlQueueSeq field from in transaction. which is a great start so thank you for pointing me in that direction.
First issue. if i update 4 records i only get the latest record not the preceding 3.
Second issue, The post to the API fails but i imagine it is to do with the below error from Event Viewer.