Hi, I’ve got a member of staff who deals with returns suddenly, after having been on holiday, not able to view customer details in Customer Tracker. He is able to open the tracker but when he searches for customers he gets the error seen in the image at the bottom.
I have tested that if I add him as an authorised user for the sales person attached to the customer, he is then able to see the customer details. This is, however, a finickity solution, having to add him as authorised for every single sales person we have. The other people in his team are still able to see customer details without being authorised users for sales people. I have compared their profiles in in User Account Security Maintenance and in Work Force and the permissions are identical, except the person having the issue has “View All Territories” ticked unlike the staff member who can view customer details. That seems counter-intuitive?
The only thing we can think of that has changed as of coming back from holiday is he changed his password on Epicor but I can’t imagine that’s the issue.
Any ideas please on what could be causing this and a solution that isn’t adding him as an authorised user for all sales people? Thank you!
No nothing has changed, I also compared it to the Test version which was last updated in April before his holiday. It’s also not just for one customer, he can’t access the details for any that I checked.
Have checked all the Sales Territories and he has not been added to any of them! Nor have any of the members of his team who can still view customer details.
Hold on, that error looks like a bpm custom one doesn’t it?
Check that there is not somme bpm that is causing this, unless you already have…
On a side note, I like to add a whole heap of new lines to bpm messages then enter in the name of the method and bpm so it makes it easy to distinguish custom messages, where they are being fired from…
You can do this programmbly if you are using publishinfomeasage in code as well