SSRS Text Resolution Poor and choppy - any ideas?

Hello All,

We are printing custom sized labels to zebra label printers and it is coming out blurry. If we print it to a normal printer using 8.5 x 11" paper the label comes out clear and well formatted.

Does anyone know what would cause this?



I’ve had this issue before, I changed the settings on my printer such as DPI. Did you try checking your label printer settings?

It can also be that the file is too high quality and the zebra printer tries to convert it to a lower DPI image.

Sounds like printing as an image instead of text.
Not sure where your root cause would be.

Wonder which model Zebra, if used as a client printer, downloaded/installed the latest drivers, set label type/size, etc…?

go into printer driver settings and make sure dithering is set to none

I have made sure dithering is none. What perplexes me is that the crystal report version prints clear as day, but the SSRS version does not. @Alan_Hua, @bordway @bw2868bond

If it’s not dithering…
I wonder if anything in SSRS could be causing your text to scale?
Label size, margins…?

@bordway I have tried several things, I will keep fooling around with it and let you all know if we come up with anything.

Yes, I’ll be interested in what you find.

I am thinking it’s something in SSRS… since you say Crystal is OK.

Just in case wanted to mention this,
I remember having some weird issues on a client until I duplicated the Windows Zebra printer settings in both it’s printing Defaults and printing Preferences.