I have used >Epicor10 >Report Style Maintenance >Actions >Copy Report Style to make a new formatted ARForm (invoice) report in SSRS Report Builder.
The new Invoice, includes our Company logos, addresses, headers and footers, and adjusted column widths etc and everything is positioned nicely on the printed page.
I now wish to save this report as a template, and be able to use it for all future reports I create with >Copy Report Style.
Specifically I now need to use
• >Report Style Maintenance on the Pro Former Invoice report,
• >Copy the Report Style, (to set the report up in SSRS with the it’s data source and data sets and sub reports )
• and in SSRS, format the new report using a duplicate of my Invoice report format.
Can some one please help me learn
how to save a report as a SSRS template,
and how I can use that template to reformat/render a new report style created with >Actions >Copied Report Style.
Or is there a better / or another way, I can duplicate the formatting of Report Styles
As far as I know you have to copy the report style for each report you want to customize, then customize each report. I don’t think there is an easy way to apply the same formatting (logos, addresses, head/foot) to any report.
For SSRS, you’ll want to copy the .RDL file and modify that, Epicor Report Styles don’t contain the formatting and logos, as far as I know. The report styles work with the report data definitions to hand off the data to SSRS, the presentation is handled there. You can go to the customreports folder on the SSRS server and download the RDL file from there. Each report style can reference a specific RDL file, which is how you can make the actual output changes.
Hi Nate and Marjorie Thankyou for your replies Fri/Sat. (It’s Monday morning here in Aus)
I have done a few Epicor_SSRS report customizations, including making a new ARForm RDD and a new ARForm SSRS report.
What I now wished to do is to use my new ARForm as a format template for other forms include the Proforma Invoice which I am now working on.
I have tried in Report Style maintenance making a copy of my new ARForm style with it’s RDD changed to be the Proforma Invoice RDD (ProFormaInvc base RDD) . Ie. I wanted to bring the Proforma invoice data into the ARForm SSRS layout (copy). But Epicor would now pass this new RDD down to SSRS.
My conclusion is that Epicor >Report Style Maintenance will pass down a copied, modified and renamed version of the original RDD to SSRS but it will not pass down a totally different RDD in a report style to SSRS.
I have however found that in SSRS Report Builder I can copy my new ARForm Tablix (with it’s formatting) and paste into the SSRS ProFormer invoice report.
What I now need to do is in this Tablix, strip out all refences to the ARForm data so that SSRS will allow me to save it in the ProFormerInvc report.
I am currently doing this and I will let you know how it all goes.
@miltonware It uses the currently selected style to make the copy. You can then copy the custom RDD and make a whole new RDD. When you do upload SSRS Report it compiles all of the pieces and validates them.