SSRS separation for multiple environments

Setting up a new server for our update from 10.1.400 to 10.2.300, and I want to have the reports separated by app.

On our 10.1.400 install, all apps used the same DB for reports. But in the 10.2.300 setup I’ve given each app its on reports DB. App TST_102300 will use DB RPT_TST_102300 for reports, PRD_102300 will use RPT_PRD_102300, and so on.

All apps in the 10.2 setup refer to the same SSRS URL. How do I differentiate which DB is used when using tools outside of E10. For instance, ReportSync only asks for the SSRS URL. In the pict below, ReportSync is running ob the SQL server of my 10.1 system. The left side is connected to the local (10.1 SQL SSRS), and the right to the SSRS for my 10.2 system.

I only want to bring the CustomReports folder to the TST_102300 environment (which has RPT_TST_102300 as its report DB).

But how do I know that it won’t end up in the DB the RPT_PRD_102300?

Or am I misunderstanding what the DB’s are used for?

So all of the reports are stored within the ReportServer DB.

The Epicor created DBs for SSRS that you refer to are holding the data that is used by the SSRS reports.

My Epicor App servers are all using their own folder on the ReportServer, and inside each will be a CustomReports folder.

That is I believe controlled by the root folder:


I’ve re-deployed the app, assigning a root folder of LIVE_CONV, And see the following when browsing to the reports

Do I need to include LIVE_CONV in the paths in Report Styles? Or does the App Server automatically know to look for the reports folder inside the LIVE_CONV for the reports folder?

The Report Style paths stay the same – reports/CustomReports/XYZ_Report/ABC.rdl. Epicor prepends the root folder, so it will look for that file in the assigned root directory for that environment – and if you move a Report Style from Pilot/Test to Live, you just need to copy the rdl to the new root folder and don’t need to change the path specified in the Style.