SSRS Report Footer

SSRS reports only allow a single Page Footer?

And no way to have a separate Report Footer? Or is it called something else, or done by putting elements on the page after the outer most grouping?

I found this link that I think may be your best bet.

I have not tested this - but I have played a little in the past and I think this will work:

First: In your Footer property set height to 0in.
Second- don’t use the build-in Footer. Instead, use a sub-report that will contain your footer details.
Now, you need to define the sub-report as thin as possible in the main report (while in the actual sub-report - arrange your data as you want).
now add a page footer(in your sub report) you should right-click on the design surface, point to Insert, and then click Footer (Or it can be enabled through the Report menu –> Add page footer in BIDS ).
You could put the rectangle into a page footer and set its Hidden property to:

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Strech the rectangle to cover all the footer area, then your are good - the footer will not be displayed until the last page.
I think it will resolve your purpose.

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I added a rectangle to the footer. I then added a text box to the rectangle.
I set the Rectangle Visible property to:=IIF(Globals!PageNumber = Globals!TotalPages, false, true) (I know its backward logic but I’m just testing).
This prints properly only on the last page

HOWEVER - In SSRS the headers and footers are NOT data enabled - so you will be restricted to only aggregate functions i.e. Sum, Count, Avg, First, Last from the Dataset. So - if you want a report total count for instance a Part Class. You may want to consider using a subreport in the footer that calculates that total only for the last page. and then use the same visibility trick to only enable the subreport on the last page.
