SSRS report duplicating lines that are not duplicated on BAQ returned data


I have an odd case here where the raw data being returned from one of my queries does not match the data shown when I run the report. The report is duplicating some lines, but when I analyze the query there are no duplicates. I’m completely stumped…can anyone think of what would cause this?

Thank you for reading!

Here are the report results for a specific customer with the duplicate invoice:

Here is the data returned from the query for that same customer:

Depending on how your Joins are set up, what you see as the results of the query can be different than what is passed into SSRS.

One thing you can do is to save the report for a day (that is an option in Epicor when you go to run the report), and then go look in the Report Database at the tables that were created with for that report. If you only see the data you are expecting, then you know it is an issue somewhere in the RDL. If you are seeing more data than you were expecting, then it is most likely within the query.

Can you post the query that is shown in the BAQ Designer?

1 Like

Thanks, Jason.

It’s not pretty due to the way Epicor handles split reps, but here it is…

	[InvcHead].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcHead_InvoiceNum],
	[InvcHead].[SalesRepList] as [InvcHead_SalesRepList],
	([Ice].num_entries(InvcHead.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_CountSalesRep],
	(1) as [Calculated_RepNum],
	([Ice].entry(1, InvcHead.SalesRepList+'~~~~~', '~')) as [Calculated_SalesRep],
	[InvcHead].[InvoiceDate] as [InvcHead_InvoiceDate],
	[InvcHead].[InvoiceAmt] as [InvcHead_InvoiceAmt],
	[InvcHead].[InvoiceBal] as [InvcHead_InvoiceBal],
	[InvcHead].[PONum] as [InvcHead_PONum],
	[InvcDtl].[RepRate1] as [InvcDtl_RepRate1],
	[InvcDtl].[RepSplit1] as [InvcDtl_RepSplit1],
	[InvcDtl].[InvoiceLine] as [InvcDtl_InvoiceLine],
	[InvcDtl].[OrderNum] as [InvcDtl_OrderNum],
	[InvcDtl].[OrderLine] as [InvcDtl_OrderLine],
	[Customer].[CustID] as [Customer_CustID],
	[Customer].[Name] as [Customer_Name],
	[CashDtl].[HeadNum] as [CashDtl_HeadNum],
	[CashDtl].[TranDate] as [CashDtl_TranDate],
	[CashDtl].[TranAmt] as [CashDtl_TranAmt],
	[CashDtl].[TranType] as [CashDtl_TranType],
	[CashDtl].[CheckRef] as [CashDtl_CheckRef],
	[InvcDtl].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl_PartNum],
	[InvcDtl].[OurOrderQty] as [InvcDtl_OurOrderQty],
	[InvcDtl].[OurShipQty] as [InvcDtl_OurShipQty],
	[InvcDtl].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl_UnitPrice],
	((case when  InvcDtl.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  100.0  else 
 (case when  InvcDtl.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  1000.0  else 
 1.0 end) end)) as [Calculated_CostPer],
	((case when  InvcDtl.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  InvcDtl.UnitPrice / 100.0 else 
 (case when  InvcDtl.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  InvcDtl.UnitPrice / 1000.0 else 
 InvcDtl.UnitPrice end) end)) as [Calculated_TrueUnitPrice],
	(InvcDtl.UnitPrice / CostPer * InvcDtl.OurOrderQty) as [Calculated_InvoiceLineTotal],
	[InvcDtl].[DiscountPercent] as [InvcDtl_DiscountPercent],
	[InvcDtl].[Discount] as [InvcDtl_Discount],
	(case when InvcHead.InvoiceAmt = 0.0 then 0.0 
 else CashDtl.TranAmt / InvcHead.InvoiceAmt
 end) as [Calculated_LineCAPercent],
	(((TrueUnitPrice * InvcDtl.OurShipQty) - InvcDtl.Discount) * LineCAPercent) as [Calculated_LineCA],
	(LineCA * (InvcDtl.RepRate1 / 100.0) * (InvcDtl.RepSplit1 / 100.0)) as [Calculated_AmountDue]
from Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead
inner join Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl on 
	InvcHead.Company = InvcDtl.Company
	and InvcHead.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl.InvoiceNum
	and ( InvcDtl.ProdCode <> 'RETURNS'  )

inner join Erp.Customer as Customer on 
	InvcHead.Company = Customer.Company
	and InvcHead.CustNum = Customer.CustNum
inner join Erp.CashDtl as CashDtl on 
	InvcHead.Company = CashDtl.Company
	and InvcHead.InvoiceNum = CashDtl.InvoiceNum
	and ( CashDtl.TranType = 'PayInv'  )

where (InvcHead.SalesRepList <> '')
	[InvcHead2].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcHead2_InvoiceNum],
	[InvcHead2].[SalesRepList] as [InvcHead2_SalesRepList],
	([Ice].num_entries(InvcHead2.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_CountSalesRep],
	(2) as [Calculated_RepNum],
	([Ice].entry(2, InvcHead2.SalesRepList+'~~~~~', '~')) as [Calculated_SalesRep2],
	[InvcHead2].[InvoiceDate] as [InvcHead2_InvoiceDate],
	[InvcHead2].[InvoiceAmt] as [InvcHead2_InvoiceAmt],
	[InvcHead2].[InvoiceBal] as [InvcHead2_InvoiceBal],
	[InvcHead2].[PONum] as [InvcHead2_PONum],
	[InvcDtl2].[RepRate2] as [InvcDtl2_RepRate2],
	[InvcDtl2].[RepSplit2] as [InvcDtl2_RepSplit2],
	[InvcDtl2].[InvoiceLine] as [InvcDtl2_InvoiceLine],
	[InvcDtl2].[OrderNum] as [InvcDtl2_OrderNum],
	[InvcDtl2].[OrderLine] as [InvcDtl2_OrderLine],
	[Customer2].[CustID] as [Customer2_CustID],
	[Customer2].[Name] as [Customer2_Name],
	[CashDtl2].[HeadNum] as [CashDtl2_HeadNum],
	[CashDtl2].[TranDate] as [CashDtl2_TranDate],
	[CashDtl2].[TranAmt] as [CashDtl2_TranAmt],
	[CashDtl2].[TranType] as [CashDtl2_TranType],
	[CashDtl2].[CheckRef] as [CashDtl2_CheckRef],
	[InvcDtl2].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl2_PartNum],
	[InvcDtl2].[OurOrderQty] as [InvcDtl2_OurOrderQty],
	[InvcDtl2].[OurShipQty] as [InvcDtl2_OurShipQty],
	[InvcDtl2].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl2_UnitPrice],
	((case when  InvcDtl2.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  100.0  else 
 (case when  InvcDtl2.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  1000.0  else 
 1.0 end) end)) as [Calculated_CostPer],
	((case when  InvcDtl2.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  InvcDtl2.UnitPrice / 100.0 else 
 (case when  InvcDtl2.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  InvcDtl2.UnitPrice / 1000.0 else 
 InvcDtl2.UnitPrice end) end)) as [Calculated_TrueUnitPrice],
	(InvcDtl2.UnitPrice / CostPer * InvcDtl2.OurOrderQty) as [Calculated_InvoiceLineTotal],
	[InvcDtl2].[DiscountPercent] as [InvcDtl2_DiscountPercent],
	[InvcDtl2].[Discount] as [InvcDtl2_Discount],
	(case when InvcHead2.InvoiceAmt = 0.0 then 0.0 
 else CashDtl2.TranAmt / InvcHead2.InvoiceAmt
 end) as [Calculated_LineCAPercent],
	(((TrueUnitPrice * InvcDtl2.OurShipQty) - InvcDtl2.Discount) * LineCAPercent) as [Calculated_LineCA],
	(LineCA * (InvcDtl2.RepRate2 / 100.0) * (InvcDtl2.RepSplit2 / 100.0)) as [Calculated_AmountDue]
from Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead2
inner join Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl2 on 
	InvcHead2.Company = InvcDtl2.Company
	and InvcHead2.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl2.InvoiceNum
	and ( InvcDtl2.RepSplit2 > 0  and InvcDtl2.ProdCode <> 'RETURNS'  )

inner join Erp.Customer as Customer2 on 
	InvcHead2.Company = Customer2.Company
	and InvcHead2.CustNum = Customer2.CustNum
inner join Erp.CashDtl as CashDtl2 on 
	InvcHead2.Company = CashDtl2.Company
	and InvcHead2.InvoiceNum = CashDtl2.InvoiceNum
where (InvcHead2.SalesRepList <> ''  and InvcHead2.SalesRepList like '%~%')
	[InvcHead3].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcHead3_InvoiceNum],
	[InvcHead3].[SalesRepList] as [InvcHead3_SalesRepList],
	([Ice].num_entries(InvcHead3.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_CountSalesRep],
	(3) as [Calculated_RepNum],
	([Ice].entry(3, InvcHead3.SalesRepList+'~~~~~', '~')) as [Calculated_SalesRep],
	[InvcHead3].[InvoiceDate] as [InvcHead3_InvoiceDate],
	[InvcHead3].[InvoiceAmt] as [InvcHead3_InvoiceAmt],
	[InvcHead3].[InvoiceBal] as [InvcHead3_InvoiceBal],
	[InvcHead3].[PONum] as [InvcHead3_PONum],
	[InvcDtl3].[RepRate3] as [InvcDtl3_RepRate3],
	[InvcDtl3].[RepSplit3] as [InvcDtl3_RepSplit3],
	[InvcDtl3].[InvoiceLine] as [InvcDtl3_InvoiceLine],
	[InvcDtl3].[OrderNum] as [InvcDtl3_OrderNum],
	[InvcDtl3].[OrderLine] as [InvcDtl3_OrderLine],
	[Customer3].[CustID] as [Customer3_CustID],
	[Customer3].[Name] as [Customer3_Name],
	[CashDtl3].[HeadNum] as [CashDtl3_HeadNum],
	[CashDtl3].[TranDate] as [CashDtl3_TranDate],
	[CashDtl3].[TranAmt] as [CashDtl3_TranAmt],
	[CashDtl3].[TranType] as [CashDtl3_TranType],
	[CashDtl3].[CheckRef] as [CashDtl3_CheckRef],
	[InvcDtl3].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl3_PartNum],
	[InvcDtl3].[OurOrderQty] as [InvcDtl3_OurOrderQty],
	[InvcDtl3].[OurShipQty] as [InvcDtl3_OurShipQty],
	[InvcDtl3].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl3_UnitPrice],
	((case when  InvcDtl3.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  100.0  else 
 (case when  InvcDtl3.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  1000.0  else 
 1.0 end) end)) as [Calculated_CostPer],
	((case when  InvcDtl3.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  InvcDtl3.UnitPrice / 100.0 else 
 (case when  InvcDtl3.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  InvcDtl3.UnitPrice / 1000.0 else 
 InvcDtl3.UnitPrice end) end)) as [Calculated_TrueUnitPrice],
	(InvcDtl3.UnitPrice / CostPer * InvcDtl3.OurOrderQty) as [Calculated_InvoiceLineTotal],
	[InvcDtl3].[DiscountPercent] as [InvcDtl3_DiscountPercent],
	[InvcDtl3].[Discount] as [InvcDtl3_Discount],
	(case when InvcHead3.InvoiceAmt = 0.0 then 0.0 
 else CashDtl3.TranAmt / InvcHead3.InvoiceAmt
 end) as [Calculated_LineCAPercent],
	(((TrueUnitPrice * InvcDtl3.OurShipQty) - InvcDtl3.Discount) * LineCAPercent) as [Calculated_LineCA],
	(LineCA * (InvcDtl3.RepRate3 / 100.0) * (InvcDtl3.RepSplit3 / 100.0)) as [Calculated_AmountDue]
from Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead3
inner join Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl3 on 
	InvcHead3.Company = InvcDtl3.Company
	and InvcHead3.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl3.InvoiceNum
	and ( InvcDtl3.RepSplit3 > 0  and InvcDtl3.ProdCode <> 'RETURNS'  )

inner join Erp.Customer as Customer3 on 
	InvcHead3.Company = Customer3.Company
	and InvcHead3.CustNum = Customer3.CustNum
inner join Erp.CashDtl as CashDtl3 on 
	InvcHead3.Company = CashDtl3.Company
	and InvcHead3.InvoiceNum = CashDtl3.InvoiceNum
where (InvcHead3.SalesRepList <> ''  and InvcHead3.SalesRepList like '%~%')
	[InvcHead4].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcHead4_InvoiceNum],
	[InvcHead4].[SalesRepList] as [InvcHead4_SalesRepList],
	([Ice].num_entries(InvcHead4.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_CountSalesRep],
	(4) as [Calculated_RepNum],
	([Ice].entry(4, InvcHead4.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_SalesRep],
	[InvcHead4].[InvoiceDate] as [InvcHead4_InvoiceDate],
	[InvcHead4].[InvoiceAmt] as [InvcHead4_InvoiceAmt],
	[InvcHead4].[InvoiceBal] as [InvcHead4_InvoiceBal],
	[InvcHead4].[PONum] as [InvcHead4_PONum],
	[InvcDtl4].[RepRate4] as [InvcDtl4_RepRate4],
	[InvcDtl4].[RepSplit4] as [InvcDtl4_RepSplit4],
	[InvcDtl4].[InvoiceLine] as [InvcDtl4_InvoiceLine],
	[InvcDtl4].[OrderNum] as [InvcDtl4_OrderNum],
	[InvcDtl4].[OrderLine] as [InvcDtl4_OrderLine],
	[Customer4].[CustID] as [Customer4_CustID],
	[Customer4].[Name] as [Customer4_Name],
	[CashDtl4].[HeadNum] as [CashDtl4_HeadNum],
	[CashDtl4].[TranDate] as [CashDtl4_TranDate],
	[CashDtl4].[TranAmt] as [CashDtl4_TranAmt],
	[CashDtl4].[TranType] as [CashDtl4_TranType],
	[CashDtl4].[CheckRef] as [CashDtl4_CheckRef],
	[InvcDtl4].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl4_PartNum],
	[InvcDtl4].[OurOrderQty] as [InvcDtl4_OurOrderQty],
	[InvcDtl4].[OurShipQty] as [InvcDtl4_OurShipQty],
	[InvcDtl4].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl4_UnitPrice],
	((case when  InvcDtl4.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  100.0  else 
 (case when  InvcDtl4.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  1000.0  else 
 1.0 end) end)) as [Calculated_CostPer],
	((case when  InvcDtl4.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  InvcDtl4.UnitPrice / 100.0  else 
 (case when  InvcDtl4.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  InvcDtl4.UnitPrice / 1000.0 else 
 InvcDtl4.UnitPrice end) end)) as [Calculated_TrueUnitPrice],
	(InvcDtl4.UnitPrice / CostPer * InvcDtl4.OurOrderQty) as [Calculated_InvoiceLineTotal],
	[InvcDtl4].[DiscountPercent] as [InvcDtl4_DiscountPercent],
	[InvcDtl4].[Discount] as [InvcDtl4_Discount],
	(case when InvcHead4.InvoiceAmt = 0.0 then 0.0 
 else CashDtl4.TranAmt / InvcHead4.InvoiceAmt
 end) as [Calculated_LineCAPercent],
	(((TrueUnitPrice * InvcDtl4.OurShipQty) - InvcDtl4.Discount) * LineCAPercent) as [Calculated_LineCA],
	(LineCA * (InvcDtl4.RepRate4 / 100.0) * (InvcDtl4.RepSplit4 / 100.0)) as [Calculated_AmountDue]
from Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead4
inner join Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl4 on 
	InvcHead4.Company = InvcDtl4.Company
	and InvcHead4.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl4.InvoiceNum
	and ( InvcDtl4.RepSplit4 > 0  and InvcDtl4.ProdCode <> 'RETURNS'  )

inner join Erp.Customer as Customer4 on 
	InvcHead4.Company = Customer4.Company
	and InvcHead4.CustNum = Customer4.CustNum
inner join Erp.CashDtl as CashDtl4 on 
	InvcHead4.Company = CashDtl4.Company
	and InvcHead4.InvoiceNum = CashDtl4.InvoiceNum
where (InvcHead4.SalesRepList <> ''  and InvcHead4.SalesRepList like '%~%')
	[InvcHead5].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcHead5_InvoiceNum],
	[InvcHead5].[SalesRepList] as [InvcHead5_SalesRepList],
	([Ice].num_entries(InvcHead5.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_CountSalesRep],
	(5) as [Calculated_RepNum],
	([Ice].entry(5, InvcHead5.SalesRepList, '~')) as [Calculated_SalesRep],
	[InvcHead5].[InvoiceDate] as [InvcHead5_InvoiceDate],
	[InvcHead5].[InvoiceAmt] as [InvcHead5_InvoiceAmt],
	[InvcHead5].[InvoiceBal] as [InvcHead5_InvoiceBal],
	[InvcHead5].[PONum] as [InvcHead5_PONum],
	[InvcDtl5].[RepRate5] as [InvcDtl5_RepRate5],
	[InvcDtl5].[RepSplit5] as [InvcDtl5_RepSplit5],
	[InvcDtl5].[InvoiceLine] as [InvcDtl5_InvoiceLine],
	[InvcDtl5].[OrderNum] as [InvcDtl5_OrderNum],
	[InvcDtl5].[OrderLine] as [InvcDtl5_OrderLine],
	[Customer5].[CustID] as [Customer5_CustID],
	[Customer5].[Name] as [Customer5_Name],
	[CashDtl5].[HeadNum] as [CashDtl5_HeadNum],
	[CashDtl5].[TranDate] as [CashDtl5_TranDate],
	[CashDtl5].[TranAmt] as [CashDtl5_TranAmt],
	[CashDtl5].[TranType] as [CashDtl5_TranType],
	[CashDtl5].[CheckRef] as [CashDtl5_CheckRef],
	[InvcDtl5].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl5_PartNum],
	[InvcDtl5].[OurOrderQty] as [InvcDtl5_OurOrderQty],
	[InvcDtl5].[OurShipQty] as [InvcDtl5_OurShipQty],
	[InvcDtl5].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl5_UnitPrice],
	((case when  InvcDtl5.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  100.0  else 
 (case when  InvcDtl5.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  1000.0  else 
 1.0 end) end)) as [Calculated_CostPer],
	((case when  InvcDtl5.PricePerCode = 'C'  then  InvcDtl5.UnitPrice / 100.0 else 
 (case when  InvcDtl5.PricePerCode = 'M'  then  InvcDtl5.UnitPrice / 1000.0 else 
 InvcDtl5.UnitPrice end) end)) as [Calculated_TrueUnitPrice],
	(InvcDtl5.UnitPrice / CostPer * InvcDtl5.OurOrderQty) as [Calculated_InvoiceLineTotal],
	[InvcDtl5].[DiscountPercent] as [InvcDtl5_DiscountPercent],
	[InvcDtl5].[Discount] as [InvcDtl5_Discount],
	(case when InvcHead5.InvoiceAmt = 0.0 then 0.0 
 else CashDtl5.TranAmt / InvcHead5.InvoiceAmt
 end) as [Calculated_LineCAPercent],
	(((TrueUnitPrice * InvcDtl5.OurShipQty) - InvcDtl5.Discount) * LineCAPercent) as [Calculated_LineCA],
	(LineCA * (InvcDtl5.RepRate5 / 100.0) * (InvcDtl5.RepSplit5 / 100.0)) as [Calculated_AmountDue]
from Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead5
inner join Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl5 on 
	InvcHead5.Company = InvcDtl5.Company
	and InvcHead5.InvoiceNum = InvcDtl5.InvoiceNum
	and ( InvcDtl5.RepSplit5 > 0  and InvcDtl5.ProdCode <> 'RETURNS'  )

inner join Erp.Customer as Customer5 on 
	InvcHead5.Company = Customer5.Company
	and InvcHead5.CustNum = Customer5.CustNum
inner join Erp.CashDtl as CashDtl5 on 
	InvcHead5.Company = CashDtl5.Company
	and InvcHead5.InvoiceNum = CashDtl5.InvoiceNum
where (InvcHead5.SalesRepList <> ''  and InvcHead5.SalesRepList like '%~%')

Hey Jason, don’t waste any more time than you already have on this one…I found it much easier to modify the existing report than to try and troubleshoot this beast of a query. That should have been my approach from the beginning.

Thank you for taking a look though, it’s greatly appreciated!

Ryan - My apologies for not responding to your post with the query earlier today. My phone started ringing off the hook and my day got real busy, real quick.

I am glad to hear you were able to go about it in a different way. I have had my fair share of ‘duplicate rows’ pop up over the years and they can be an absolute pain to try to figure out the cause of it.

No apology necessary, I basically dumped the BAQ equivalent of War and Peace on you! That query was created with the help of a consultant and is way outside of my SQL abilities anyways, so the chances of me figuring out how to prevent the duplicates was slim to none…the smart route was definitely manipulating their report.

Thanks again!