I’ve been working on this for a while, and not sure what I may be overlooking. I’m reporting on a simple BAQ that just lists all active employees, their first and last names, and the name of their supervisor.
The BAQ works great, I’ve created the ReportID, and when at the point of designing the report. In Microsoft Report Builder, my header is find, I’ve added a table then put in my datasets for the above mentioned fields.
The issue I’m having is my table headers do not repeat after the first page. The table just continues.
Things I’ve tried:
*Checked the box for “Repeat header columns on each page” for the tablix
*Inserted a row “Inside Group” above my dataset row, This adds the headers after every returned cell
*Set Repeat with for the header textboxes to the tablix
Unsure of how to proceed, I imagine it’s something simple I’m missing.
Mr. Kyle: Try enabling the “Advanced Mode” for the group and then selecting the static row that you want to repeat and set the property “Repeat on new page”.
I have always wanted those flags to work, but they never have for me. I have this problem all the time with grids in Report Builder. To make it easy on myself, I add the grid header row to the top of the form in the header section. That way it shows on every new page. I just add these as text box elements that line up with the grid in the body below. Then in the grid, I hide the header row, so I don’t see it twice on the first page. The biggest drawback here is that if you add/remove columns from your grid, then you have to manually fix the textbox headers.
Good luck!
Hey Dave, that did the trick for me. I saw that recommended on other related issues, but was unable to locate the “Advanced Mode” option. But, with clear eyes after this weekend I was able to get it. Thanks!