SSRS Report : add HOD Approved by:, Buyer by, Management Approve by:

Hi guys, my management requested me to add in some column in purchase request report, I tried to BAQ it with ReqHead and PurAgent but it seems cant link, is there any other way to do it?

I’m not familiar with a report called “Purchase Request Report”. But low and behold… its in there. Found the Report Style & RDD… Maybe I just don’t have a menu set-up to run that report.

PORel includes ReqNum & ReqLine columns.

So, you should be able to add PORel as a DataSource in the RDD, joining PORel to ReqDetail on ReqNum & ReqLine.

You could then add PODetail as a DataSource, joining PODetail to PORel on PONum & POLine.

You could then add POHeader as a DataSource, joining POHeader to PODetail PONum… this would get you the BuyerID.

You could then add PurAgent as a DataSource, joining PurArgent to POHeader on BuyerID to get further information if needed.

Some of these may be “linked tables” in the RDD once you start building, so you may not need to add all of the above datasources. You’ll just have to check as you start building it out.

Below is a BAQ with all the joins. PODetail may not be necessary as PORel has both POLine & PONum… so you could jump from PORel to POHeader directly.


OHhh… duh… its just a printable version of a Requisition.


I’ll be honest, I’ve never looked at this report. Requisitions just hit the Buyer’s workbenches and I don’t think we’ve ever explored printing them out. Sorry for my lack of knowledge there. But… the above post should (hopefully) get you the table links you’re looking for.