SSRS Quote Form & Quantity Breaks

Below is a snippet of the Report Designer for the Quote Form (QuotForm.rdl).

The line in green is the details for the Quantity Breaks (I colored it for testing so I could find it easily). When the report is generated, it puts each Quantity Break on a new line, which is to be expected.

What I am looking to do is condense that a bit. Right now it is basically:

Qty UOM Price /Per

But I want to take that from just 1 long list, and do it as 3 shorter lists so that it doesn’t take up a whole page.

Qty UOM Price /Per | Qty UOM Price /Per | Qty UOM Price /Per

Any ideas how I could go about that? I am thinking that there has to be a way for me to do something by hiding that row in the output, and then referencing the values in a new row to output it in a newly formatted way. But before I go and spend a few days getting that taken care of, I thought I would ask here to see if anyone else has tried anything similar.

In Crystal Reports you could have made it a sub-report and set it up as three columns. Then you would have had

Qty  UOM  Price Per   |   Qty  UOM  Price Per   |   Qty  UOM  Price Per 
1    EA     379.50        10    EA     191.50       25    EA     170.50
2    EA     237.50        15    EA     182.50       30    EA     165.50
5    EA     205.50        20    EA     175.50       35    EA     160.50

Play around with making a subreport of just the Qty Breaks.



You are an absolute genius. I never thought of that! (No, that is not sarcasm, I honestly did not think of that.


In the subreport, put three tablix side-by-side,


Set the row visibility of the first (tablix on the left side) to

=RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 3 =0 OR RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 3 = 2

The middle tablix to

=RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 3 =0 OR RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 3 = 1

The right side to

=RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 3 =1 OR RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 3 =2

and you’ll get:


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I’ll set up the three tablixes (tablixii? tablixee? tablixeses?) once I figure out how to create a subreport and pass parameters/data to it. I’ve never done this before. I’ve figured out how to add the Datasource, but creating the dataset(s) is throwing me for a loop. I assume I need to add it manually, just trying to figure out what the proper query needs to be.

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For starters - I don’t try to connect to the dataset created by the RDD. My subreport will have its own embedded datasource and query.

By adding Filters to the datasource (in the query designer)

It will automatically create Parameters with the same names


Then in your Quoteform RDL, use the Company, QuoteNum, and QuoteLine values as the inputs to the subreport

So I get this done, and it works exactly as expected. Looks great to me. I take it around to show the few people that it is going to affect so I can get their opinions. Each and every one of them asked if I could do the data up/down rather than left to right, such as this (from the post that @ckrusen made earlier):

Qty  UOM  Price Per   |   Qty  UOM  Price Per   |   Qty  UOM  Price Per 
1    EA     379.50        10    EA     191.50       25    EA     170.50
2    EA     237.50        15    EA     182.50       30    EA     165.50
5    EA     205.50        20    EA     175.50       35    EA     160.50

Unless I am overthinking this way too much, this wouldn’t be as simple as throwing a small calculation into the ‘visible’ fields for the 3 different tables. I would have to somehow figure out how many times 3 (the number of tables) goes into the total number of Quantity Breaks (lets say there are 17 of them) and then figure out what the best arrangement would be. In this case, for 17 there would be 6 in the first 2 tables, and 5 in the 3rdn as shown below.


For now, at least the design is done and everything fits snugly into the SSRS Report Designer (great tool, but it is a horrible piece of software).

Wow … It is much harder to get them to go down as columns. The formulas are easy, but the row visibility doesn’t like them.

Column MaxRows uses the expression:

=Ceiling(CountRows("QuoteNum") /3)

Column Vis Formula has an expression of

=iif(ceiling(RowNumber(Nothing) / Ceiling(CountRows("QuoteNum") /3)) = 1, true, false)

That gives me a true/false value that I though I could use for the row visibilty expression


@ckrusen - You replied to this thread, as I am sitting here with a coworker going over our options with this, and we both had that Eureka moment of dividing the row numbers by 3, rounding up, and throwing that data into the table. I think that with your information, and what I have jotted down on a napkin here, that I’ll be able to get this taken care of.