SSRS Financial Expression Help

Good morning,

I was hoping for help on this expression:

=(FormatNumber((CDbl(ReportItems!TxtTotMiscTotal.Value) + CDbl(ReportItems!TxtTotOHMiscTotal.Value) + CDbl(ReportItems!TxtTotExtPrice2.Value)), First(Fields!DecimalsPrice.Value, “RptParameter”)) & First(Fields!Calc_CurrSymbol.Value, “Group1”))
'+ ReportItems!TxtTotOHMiscTotal.Value + ReportItems!TxtTotExtPrice2.Value

Right now it reads five decimal spaces I would like it to read two.
For example: 43.05000
Should be: $43.05

Thanks guys!

isnt the general format something like =Format(Fields!yourfield.Value, “#,##0.##”) ?

Yeah, but it keeps erring out on me. It hates me Rob. I think it’s broken, but I dunno. :slight_smile: