We are looking to convert Crystal Reports over to SSRS and keep all the same information from Crystal in our Material Tags. For new beginners at a very high level, how do I get the “GUID” data to test the report in Report Builder? When I try to Run I do not see the TableGUID. I am using the standard PartTags.rdl as a starting point in my Demo database installed locally. How do I connect to the Report Server?
Ms. Chia: Please note that if you are a SaaS MultiTennant or PublicDirect Epicor install then you will not be able to use the GUID.
If you are “On Premise” (you have your own servers) then as Mr. Michael replied the GUID is found in the System Monitor. Note: You may have to set your “Archive Period” to a day depending on how quickly your temp files expire.
Sorry, this is for Report Builder, where would I make connection to this GUID? I believe somehow I need to set up the Report Server first?
Are you on prem or hosted?
If on-prem then you’ll need to browse to your report server: http:// (SERVER) /Reports/browse/ then dig into the folders to find the report you want to edit.
It is the Demo environment that I am testing with that I have installed locally on my PC. I found the report I want to edit “PartTag” but would like to test it against the data being generated in the GUID. How do I make that link in Report Builder?
If your database server is your local then browse to your local SSRS server, probably http://local/Reports/browse/ You’ll have to go into your SSRS Reporting Services Configuration Manager, the address is on the Web Portal URL page.
Ms. Chia: I made a video a while back (Sep 2017) of how to add a field to an Epicor Form.
You may want to give this video a quick scan. I would love to give you a single answer to help you out - however, judging by your questions - I don’t think i can offer a single answer.
Please feel free to skip ahead - this video even puts ME to sleep - and I made it.
Is SSRS Reporting Services seprate from Report Builder? Where do I go into Reporting Services to find the URL Page to set this up?
SSRS is part of SQL Server. You need that to even print the stock Epicor reports and setting it up is part of the Epicor install process.