SSRS ARAged report raised unexpected error after upgrade 10.1.600 to 10.2.100

Hello Everyone,
In our test system we are upgrading to 10.2 and I am currently testing the reports. I have read some really great post on best practices for moving our custom reports. I am first making sure all the standard reports work.
Has anyone had any issues with the standard Age Receivable report. This is the error the system is giving.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks Candy

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: Input string was not in a correct format.
Stack Trace:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseDecimal(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at Erp.Internal.AR.AgedReceivables.AgeInvc(String IP_AgeBy, ParentAgingSel b_ParentAgingSel, AgingRptFmt& AgingRptFmt, TmpCashDtlRows& ttTmpCashDtlRows, InvcHead& InvcHead, Nullable1& CurDueDate, Nullable1& CurInvoiceDate, Nullable1 IP_AgeDate, List1 lstDebitNotes) in C:_Releases\ERP\UD10.2.100.10\Source\Server\Internal\AR\Shared\AgedReceivables.cs:line 2981

If you change the report parameters to be like this does it work?

Hi Dan,
Yes it seems fine printing by invoice date.

getting same error. @newman did you got any solution.