I feel like I am posting in the wrong section. It isn’t ERP10!! We are going to Kinetic next year and have heard that we do not have access to the database in the fashion that we are used to. We currently use SSMS to explore data quickly and get more familiar with the table layout this way. Is there a way we can look at the data like we used to in SSMS in Kinetic/SaaS?
They offer an option to have a database copy that I believe you can query??? Extra $$ to ask for but I think this exists! Not sure on how often it is updated.
You can reference this thread Kinetic - SQL Server Linked Server - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (epiusers.help)
I think we were quoted 1000 a month for it, but if there was just another option I would really prefer that. For those of you on Kinetic, how do you query the database? Are you just using BAQ’s?
When you say going to Kinetic, do you mean just upgrading your current version or going to cloud hosted?
We have the read only database, it seemed fairly cost effective b/c we have a large number of reports that ran on a report server and we distributed to various departments so they didn’t log into epicor. They recommended we download Azure data studio which I actually have come to prefer over SSMS for queries. However I’ve found that you can link the read only database as a source in SSMS and run queries in there as well. Then all reports are scheduled out through SSRS.
Thanks a ton for the info Bobby!
We are going to the cloud based system.
This is great news! Thank you for this.
This already exists . . . its painful because you have to specifically request that cloud support whitelists a specific ip address, but once this is done you can access your read only database instance via ssms.
I think this idea is for having SSMS read only access to the main db (not a read only copy). I don’t see why this couldn’t be done based on the user permissions, would also be nice to have access to SSRS databases in cloud
Security concerns.
What is the difference from a security standpoint, either way you have access to the same data except one db is obviously transacting
True, but if someone gets access to a read only replicated db, they only have data access. There is no chance to screw things up.
One wrong misconfig in your real db, and someone could really screw things up.
While Epicor will sell you an odbc db, they don’t promote it. It’s just for those that can’t or refuse to migrate. And then some of the concerns are off of them, because this is something you requested.
That makes sense, but if the proper setup is done by Epicor on their end it shouldn’t matter. In the end I don’t really care about the db access, more so access to SSRS reporting dbs to verify and test. Will they give a to those dbs in cloud since they are basically read only anyway?
I don’t know.
I created an idea, see what Epicor says if there are enough votes
Completely agree here. Having access to just the SSRS tables by GUID would be incredibly useful. There is the Crystal Report Style trick where you can download an XML file. Having an API that you can pass the GUID and optionally a table that securely returns the dataset would be very, very helpful for both manual and automated testing.
ODBC? Yikes. I would never expose an MS SQL Server to the Internet. SQL Injection is a tough problem already within applications. Imagine granting access to SQL Server ports…