Specific user not downloading custom dlls

When opening a customized screen in Epicor on 99% of users it will download a .dll into ‘C:\ProgramData\Epicor…\shared\CustomDLLs’ and run properly.

One one of the users they get the error below:
Error Detail

Message: Cannot access this menu item: Menu Search
Inner Exception Message: The assembly ‘C:\ProgramData\Epicor\c-e10app1-808\3.2.400.0\Comp01\shared\CustomDLLs\Ice.UI.App.MenuSearch.dll’ could not be found.

This only happens to 1 specific user.
Logging on to another user from this same machine will download this dll then switching back to the affected user will allow him to use it but this is not a viable solution only a temporary fix.
This problem occurs when using other machines, it follows the user’s login.
I have cleared caches and deleted all customization.
I have made that folder writable by everyone so it doesn’t appear to be a permissions issue.

Any ideas?

Maybe a permissions issue on the user not having access to that directory?

No, I tried that and edited my original post to reflect that.

Are both the affected user and the user it works for, using the same exact shortcut (i.e. sysconfig files, and command line switches)?

Has the affected user tried clearing their Client Cache ?


and the affected user can browse to


without any problem? Once there is the file visible?

One more thing. I once had an issue where the filename of the DLL had a _0 added to it.


The above looks like that customization was last updated at 9:28 on 3/2. But the DLL whose file name matches the XML’s, is a prior version (from 9:08).

I don’t recall the exact cause of this but it did cause some problems with the distribution of customizations.

Did you try emptying / blowing away the stuff inside C:\ProgramData\Epicor?

Yes. I can login from the same machine with the same files with two different users and the affected user will not download the dlls but any other user logged in on the same machine with same configuration will download.

Yes, I deleted the folder and it didnt work. I also did a complete reinstall and it didnt work. I also tried setting security to “Everyone” having full permissions and it still doesnt work. So strange…

Does that person log into the same domain as the other users? (Just a shot in the dark…)

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