Source appearing within Time Phased

Hello Everyone,
We are only using the Generate PO Suggestions without the Process MRP.
By the way, in the Source field of Time Phased, a line appears showing Postpone, Reduce, and Expedite.
Q1) Why do Postpone, Reduce, and Expedite happen?

Considering my data I have seen, These Postpone, Reduce, and Expedite lines are not important information to me.
Q2) How do I set this so that Postpone, Reduce, and Expedite lines don’t appear?

Any help would be appreciated.

Those indicators mean that since demand on your system has changed, these POs need to be Postponed (have their dates changed so they come in later than originally planned), Expedited (to come in earlier than planned) or Reduced (you don’t need as many as you originally thought).

The only way I know of to stop these suggestions from occurring is to utilize the “Lock Date” and Lock Quantity" checkboxes on the PO Release screen.

Hi Pilio,

You can also uncheck suggestions on time phase inquiry to not see the effect of the suggestion(s) on the QOH calculation.


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You want to use the Planning Time Fence, Reschedule Out Delta, and Reschedule In Delta to control change suggestions. They are found on the Part-Sites-Planning tab.

With you guys help, I have solved many questions.
May I ask you one more question?
It seems that my question about time can be solved through the Time Fence setting. (Postpone = Set Reschedule Out Delta, Expedite = Set Reschedule In Delta)
Q1) But the question of the quantity displayed as Reduce, how do I make it not appear?
(It’s not that this line is invisible in the Time Phase, it’s that this line is not created. Not how to set lock in PO Release, but how to set it in master)

Set your Planning Time Fence to something large like 999. That will get rid of any suggestions within the time frame.

There are different ways to handle this. There is a field at the PO release level specifically designed to tell MRP to not suggest a change in qty:


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