Here was my approach for creating a Priority Dispatch report with report
JobOper to JobHead INNER
JobOper to WrkCenter INNER
JobOper to JobOper2 (Company, JobNumber) field only and i got away with
INNER you may need an OUTER join here.
First Sort & Group: JobOper.WrkCenter
Second Sort & Group: Calculated Field Called Start_Job_Seq
Start_Job_Seq = STRING(YEAR(JobOper.StartDate),"9999") +
STRING(MONTH(JobOper.StartDate),"99") + STRING(DAY(JobOper.StartDate),"99")
+ STRING(JobOper.JobNum) + STRING(JobOper.OprSeq,"999")
The idea here is to just print a group 2 Footer records and turn off record
Add Filter for "JobOper2.OperSeq < JobOper" now you will just get the prior
operations at the record level. This is what Priority Dispatch needs to see
to calculate the status.
You can then creat calculated fields using the PREVIOUS command to look at
prior operations.
P2_Complete = IIF(JobOper.JobNum = P2_JobNo,Previous(OpComp),?)
P2_Quantity = JobOper2.QtyCompleted
Turn on Record Lines and print a couple of pages to get an understanding of
how the report works and what it's looking at. You will want the JOBOPER2
sequence and work center fields on the record line.
Then create a calculated field to display the Priority Dispatch Status.
This is the one I use which has additional stuff.
Variable name: Message
Message = IIF(JobOper.ActProdHours + JobOper.ActSetupHours +
JobOper.QtyCompleted > 0,"Started",IIF(P1_OpComplete =
Yes,"Current",IIF(P1_QtyCompleted > 0,"Available",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And
P1_WCCode = "W001","Needs Wash",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And P1_WCCode =
"W002","Needs Tumble",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And P1_WCCode = "W003","Needs
Spin",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And P1_WCCode = "W005","Needs
You can add your own status messages like I did for non production work
centers such as "Need Wash" meaning they are completed from the prior
operation but just need washing. Works for us.
Hope this helps.
Patrick Winter
sSc Specialty Screw Corporation
Vantage 5.00.338, Progress 9.1a
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Ingalls [mailto:eli3@...]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:00 PM
To: Vantage user forum
Subject: [Vantage] Something like a Priority Dispatch report
Importance: High
Good Afternoon,
Has anyone had a need to create a "Priority Dispatch" like report in Crystal
Reports? Report Builder? Crystal SQL Designer, Query Results or similar??
JobOper being the master table with joins to JobAssm... Each of the before
mentioned apps give me peices of what I need but none providing everything.
Crystal SQL Designer has provided to closest results. Essentially I'm
looking for the Priority Dispatch Report with Start Hour and Due Hour along
with additional filtering options is what I'm in search of.
Best Regards,
E. Lee Ingalls III
Information Technologies
Commercial Tool & Die, Inc.
Vantage 5.00.350
(p) 616.785.8100
(f) 616.785.8210
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
JobOper to JobHead INNER
JobOper to WrkCenter INNER
JobOper to JobOper2 (Company, JobNumber) field only and i got away with
INNER you may need an OUTER join here.
First Sort & Group: JobOper.WrkCenter
Second Sort & Group: Calculated Field Called Start_Job_Seq
Start_Job_Seq = STRING(YEAR(JobOper.StartDate),"9999") +
STRING(MONTH(JobOper.StartDate),"99") + STRING(DAY(JobOper.StartDate),"99")
+ STRING(JobOper.JobNum) + STRING(JobOper.OprSeq,"999")
The idea here is to just print a group 2 Footer records and turn off record
Add Filter for "JobOper2.OperSeq < JobOper" now you will just get the prior
operations at the record level. This is what Priority Dispatch needs to see
to calculate the status.
You can then creat calculated fields using the PREVIOUS command to look at
prior operations.
P2_Complete = IIF(JobOper.JobNum = P2_JobNo,Previous(OpComp),?)
P2_Quantity = JobOper2.QtyCompleted
Turn on Record Lines and print a couple of pages to get an understanding of
how the report works and what it's looking at. You will want the JOBOPER2
sequence and work center fields on the record line.
Then create a calculated field to display the Priority Dispatch Status.
This is the one I use which has additional stuff.
Variable name: Message
Message = IIF(JobOper.ActProdHours + JobOper.ActSetupHours +
JobOper.QtyCompleted > 0,"Started",IIF(P1_OpComplete =
Yes,"Current",IIF(P1_QtyCompleted > 0,"Available",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And
P1_WCCode = "W001","Needs Wash",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And P1_WCCode =
"W002","Needs Tumble",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And P1_WCCode = "W003","Needs
Spin",IIF(P2_QtyComplete > 0 And P1_WCCode = "W005","Needs
You can add your own status messages like I did for non production work
centers such as "Need Wash" meaning they are completed from the prior
operation but just need washing. Works for us.
Hope this helps.
Patrick Winter
sSc Specialty Screw Corporation
Vantage 5.00.338, Progress 9.1a
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Ingalls [mailto:eli3@...]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:00 PM
To: Vantage user forum
Subject: [Vantage] Something like a Priority Dispatch report
Importance: High
Good Afternoon,
Has anyone had a need to create a "Priority Dispatch" like report in Crystal
Reports? Report Builder? Crystal SQL Designer, Query Results or similar??
JobOper being the master table with joins to JobAssm... Each of the before
mentioned apps give me peices of what I need but none providing everything.
Crystal SQL Designer has provided to closest results. Essentially I'm
looking for the Priority Dispatch Report with Start Hour and Due Hour along
with additional filtering options is what I'm in search of.
Best Regards,
E. Lee Ingalls III
Information Technologies
Commercial Tool & Die, Inc.
Vantage 5.00.350
(p) 616.785.8100
(f) 616.785.8210
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to