Solution Workbench adding items


It has been awhile that I have used Solution Workbench. We did all our customizations modifications into our Kinetic test environment. I want to create a solution to include all our dashbords, BAQ’s, Form customization, menus etc…
So that I can import it into our PROD environment.

For instance, I started by the customizations, select them all, click on Next… but nothing happens…
If I select one, press next nothings happens.
But if I double click on one, it adds it to the selected elements…

So does this means I cannot make multiple row selection to add them all at once ? Meaning adding them all one by one ?
Or is there another way to proceed for the batch selection ?


I did find some things had limits on how many you could add, but I was able to do them in groups of a hundredish. I also split it up by type.