Make sure you're logged in with admin privileges. No need for "run as".
Make sure compatibility is not set on any of the executables. If you
follow the instructions exactly, it will work. We've used this for
Vista and Win7 on well over sixty client PCs now with no problems.
One possibility is that your vantage.mfg file is not correctly
configured. You'll need to check it against your server settings.
Editing services doesn't seem to be required for us - I've run edited
and unedited and it doesn't seem to matter. Probably because we have no
apps that use 6100 and 6150. The file's not anything magic - it's
merely a list of registered ports to prevent contentions.
have fun.
----- Original message -----
From: "jpleau2" <jpleau2@...>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:04:17 -0000
Subject: [Vantage] Re: SOLUTION: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7 - 32 or
Sorry -- still doesn't work for me. I have not attempted to install the
client, simply the manual installation. After trying your solution I
searched further and found Jim's instructions -- I edited the services
file to include 6100/tcp. The Vantage splash screen launches, but shuts
down after 30 seconds or so.
Make sure compatibility is not set on any of the executables. If you
follow the instructions exactly, it will work. We've used this for
Vista and Win7 on well over sixty client PCs now with no problems.
One possibility is that your vantage.mfg file is not correctly
configured. You'll need to check it against your server settings.
Editing services doesn't seem to be required for us - I've run edited
and unedited and it doesn't seem to matter. Probably because we have no
apps that use 6100 and 6150. The file's not anything magic - it's
merely a list of registered ports to prevent contentions.
have fun.
----- Original message -----
From: "jpleau2" <jpleau2@...>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:04:17 -0000
Subject: [Vantage] Re: SOLUTION: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7 - 32 or
Sorry -- still doesn't work for me. I have not attempted to install the
client, simply the manual installation. After trying your solution I
searched further and found Jim's instructions -- I edited the services
file to include 6100/tcp. The Vantage splash screen launches, but shuts
down after 30 seconds or so.