SOLUTION: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7 - 32 or 64-bit

Make sure you're logged in with admin privileges. No need for "run as".
Make sure compatibility is not set on any of the executables. If you
follow the instructions exactly, it will work. We've used this for
Vista and Win7 on well over sixty client PCs now with no problems.

One possibility is that your vantage.mfg file is not correctly
configured. You'll need to check it against your server settings.

Editing services doesn't seem to be required for us - I've run edited
and unedited and it doesn't seem to matter. Probably because we have no
apps that use 6100 and 6150. The file's not anything magic - it's
merely a list of registered ports to prevent contentions.

have fun.

----- Original message -----
From: "jpleau2" <jpleau2@...>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:04:17 -0000
Subject: [Vantage] Re: SOLUTION: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7 - 32 or

Sorry -- still doesn't work for me. I have not attempted to install the
client, simply the manual installation. After trying your solution I
searched further and found Jim's instructions -- I edited the services
file to include 6100/tcp. The Vantage splash screen launches, but shuts
down after 30 seconds or so.

Has anyone tested Vantage 6.1 in a Windows 7 environment?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Have it installed on Windows 7 64 and 32 bit (the 32bit installed in a
VM). Have not tested extensively. Works fine so far. Mainly using it on
our test DB.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Freeman
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:09 PM
To: Vantage E Group (
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

Has anyone tested Vantage 6.1 in a Windows 7 environment?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.13/1916 - Release Date:
1/26/2009 7:08 AM

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Any pointers? I'm not having any luck running Vantage 6.1 under 64bit Windows 7. And I can't change compatibility mode settings for executables on networked drives.

John Mahala
KRB Machinery

--- In, "Jim Mediger" <JimM@...> wrote:
> Have it installed on Windows 7 64 and 32 bit (the 32bit installed in a
> VM). Have not tested extensively. Works fine so far. Mainly using it on
> our test DB.
> Jim
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Stephen Freeman
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:09 PM
> To: Vantage E Group (
> Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7
> Has anyone tested Vantage 6.1 in a Windows 7 environment?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.13/1916 - Release Date:
> 1/26/2009 7:08 AM
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
From a previous post (you will need to make the necessary changes for your version of Vantage and your environment):

This ended up working great, I now have Vantage 6.1 working perfectly in Windows 7 RC1 x64. In case anyone was wondering the correct line to add to the services file for 6.1 is:

mfgsys61 6100/tcp

After the steps listed below and the addition of this line all I had to do was associate .mfg files with V:\mfgsys61\db\Mfg.exe

Hope this helps someone else out there.
Jim & everyone else thank you again.
FYI - we have been running Vantage on 64 bit clients since Windows XP x64 and Vantage 5.0, other than the manual install we have had no issues. This includes Vista Business, Enterprise, Windows 7 beta and RC.

Below is an old posting for 5.0 just need to change everything for 6.1.
Did you edit the services file? No shortcuts - copy from another machine or create a shortcut to the .mfg files you need.

Here is what we do:

Vantage Drive = V

Run V:\Progress\netsetup\setup.exe

Run V:\Vantage\OCX\InstOcx.exe

Edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\services (for example: Epic50 2500/tcp) You can find the service in the vantage.vtg (for 6.1 vantage.mfg) file, connections= -S "xxxxx", 2500 is the default port for 5.0, tcp is the protocol.

The services file needs Local Admin rights or Explicit user Rights (Domain Admin will not work - although Domain Admin can change the rights).

For Vantage Help:

For Vantage help on Windows Vista we did not have to turn off any security settings. But we did have to add some registry settings. You can copy and paste the following text into a text file and name it something like vant32hlp.reg. Then you can either double click on it to install or add it to a script.

Vista 32 bit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Vista 64 bit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




For the older versions of Vantage we had to use the 32bit ODBC Data Source administrator located in: C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe. This is not the same one in "Administrative Tools".


From: [] On Behalf Of jpmahala
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:41 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

Any pointers? I'm not having any luck running Vantage 6.1 under 64bit Windows 7. And I can't change compatibility mode settings for executables on networked drives.

John Mahala
KRB Machinery

--- In<>, "Jim Mediger" <JimM@...> wrote:
> Have it installed on Windows 7 64 and 32 bit (the 32bit installed in a
> VM). Have not tested extensively. Works fine so far. Mainly using it on
> our test DB.
> Jim
> From:<> [<>] On Behalf
> Of Stephen Freeman
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:09 PM
> To: Vantage E Group (<>)
> Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7
> Has anyone tested Vantage 6.1 in a Windows 7 environment?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It's working now. It looks like the only thing that I was missing was the OCX installation.

Actually, the only steps I needed to take were to:
1. run the Progress netsetup
2. run instocx
3. create a shortcut on the desktop using 'v:\vantage\mfg.exe v:\vantage\vantage.mfg' as the target

Thanks again for your help.

--- In, Jim Mediger <JimM@...> wrote:
> From a previous post (you will need to make the necessary changes for your version of Vantage and your environment):
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This ended up working great, I now have Vantage 6.1 working perfectly in Windows 7 RC1 x64. In case anyone was wondering the correct line to add to the services file for 6.1 is:
> mfgsys61 6100/tcp
> After the steps listed below and the addition of this line all I had to do was associate .mfg files with V:\mfgsys61\db\Mfg.exe
> Hope this helps someone else out there.
> Jim & everyone else thank you again.
> -Z
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FYI - we have been running Vantage on 64 bit clients since Windows XP x64 and Vantage 5.0, other than the manual install we have had no issues. This includes Vista Business, Enterprise, Windows 7 beta and RC.
> Below is an old posting for 5.0 just need to change everything for 6.1.
> Did you edit the services file? No shortcuts - copy from another machine or create a shortcut to the .mfg files you need.
> Here is what we do:
> Vantage Drive = V
> Run V:\Progress\netsetup\setup.exe
> Run V:\Vantage\OCX\InstOcx.exe
> Edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\services (for example: Epic50 2500/tcp) You can find the service in the vantage.vtg (for 6.1 vantage.mfg) file, connections= -S "xxxxx", 2500 is the default port for 5.0, tcp is the protocol.
> The services file needs Local Admin rights or Explicit user Rights (Domain Admin will not work - although Domain Admin can change the rights).
> For Vantage Help:
> For Vantage help on Windows Vista we did not have to turn off any security settings. But we did have to add some registry settings. You can copy and paste the following text into a text file and name it something like vant32hlp.reg. Then you can either double click on it to install or add it to a script.
> Vista 32 bit:
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions]
> "UrlAllowList"="N:\\vantage\\HELP\\vnhelp_enu.chm;file://;<file:///\\;><file:///<file:///\\>\\;>"
> Vista 64 bit:
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions]
> "UrlAllowList"="N:\\vantage\\HELP\\vnhelp_enu.chm;file://;<file:///\\;><file:///<file:///\\>\\;>"
> For ODBC:
> For the older versions of Vantage we had to use the 32bit ODBC Data Source administrator located in: C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe. This is not the same one in "Administrative Tools".
> Hth,
> Jim
> From: [] On Behalf Of jpmahala
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7
> Any pointers? I'm not having any luck running Vantage 6.1 under 64bit Windows 7. And I can't change compatibility mode settings for executables on networked drives.
> Thanks,
> John Mahala
> KRB Machinery
> --- In<>, "Jim Mediger" <JimM@> wrote:
> >
> > Have it installed on Windows 7 64 and 32 bit (the 32bit installed in a
> > VM). Have not tested extensively. Works fine so far. Mainly using it on
> > our test DB.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf
> > Of Stephen Freeman
> > Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:09 PM
> > To: Vantage E Group (<>)
> > Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7
> >
> > Has anyone tested Vantage 6.1 in a Windows 7 environment?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anyone had luck running Vantage 6.1 in Windows 7 with acceptable performance? I am running it in a virtual XP machine within Windows 7, but it is somewhat slow, crashes quite a bit and is slow to restart. It also takes 2 or 3 attempts sometimes to restart it. Also getting "error 22 reading promsgs file" several times a day.

Of course, Epicor will not support this version of Vantage in Windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated.

Russell Wright
Triton Industries
Have not tried that yet but a couple things from the "real" (non-virtual) world that might apply.... If there is any setting related to the VM (or XP mode) going to sleep or shutting down a virtual network adapter then turn it off. Any break in the network connection will give Vantage 6.10 fits. Even things like screen savers that do "power down" settings. One thing to try, if you have, it would be Office Data Collection and just minimize the screen. The clock updates will generate a trickle of network activity that might keep the virtual session active. Worth experimenting with perhaps.
-Todd C.

From: [] On Behalf Of Debbie
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:45 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

Has anyone had luck running Vantage 6.1 in Windows 7 with acceptable performance? I am running it in a virtual XP machine within Windows 7, but it is somewhat slow, crashes quite a bit and is slow to restart. It also takes 2 or 3 attempts sometimes to restart it. Also getting "error 22 reading promsgs file" several times a day.

Of course, Epicor will not support this version of Vantage in Windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated.

Russell Wright
Triton Industries

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

We've migrated about half our user base to Windows 7 (20+ users), and
we're still on Vantage 6.1. The following setup instructions work for
Vista and Windows 7, 32 or 64 bit. They're an amalgam of tips collected
from this mailing list. This will get you the 4GL client and a working
ODBC connection. You will need to set ODBC security appropriately for
your installation (this assumes default).

1. Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights EVERYONE:FULL

2. Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming "V:" is your epicor

-Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK

3. Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe

4. Import these registry settings for help fix:

5. Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help fix:

6. Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
For 64-bit Win7 Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

7. On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT Progress",
click "Finish"

8. Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):

Data Source Name: PROGRESS
Description: Vantage by Epicor
Host Name: [your vantage server name]
Port Number: [your configured odbc port number]
Database name: [your configured database name, "usually mfgsys"]
User ID: sysprogress

9. Click "Apply

10. Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read Uncommitted" and
array size to 500

11. Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to exit ODBC admin

----- Original message -----
From: "Debbie" <rwright@...>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 20:45:15 -0000
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

Has anyone had luck running Vantage 6.1 in Windows 7 with acceptable
performance? I am running it in a virtual XP machine within Windows 7,
but it is somewhat slow, crashes quite a bit and is slow to restart. It
also takes 2 or 3 attempts sometimes to restart it. Also getting "error
22 reading promsgs file" several times a day.

Of course, Epicor will not support this version of Vantage in Windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated.

Russell Wright
Triton Industries

Server is running Windows 2003. If I leave the server alone, but upgrade
the clients (from XP to 7), will Vantage run?

Thanks in advance!

Tricia Simon, Controller

Riten Industries, Inc.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Yes, that is how we are running.

----- Original message -----
From: "Tricia Simon" <t.simon@...>
To: "Vantage One-List" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 12:53:22 -0400
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

Server is running Windows 2003. If I leave the server alone, but
the clients (from XP to 7), will Vantage run?

Thanks in advance!

Tricia Simon, Controller

I have been told that this will work by users on this group. Can someone share how they made it work because I'm chasing my tail trying to install the client.

Each user has a batch file in their profile that creates their shares when they log into the server. I can navigate to the shares just fine. I navigate to the mfgsys61 folder and run mfgclientsetup. The first screen wants you to select the drive and path for the vantage software. The pull down box only shows the local drives. At this point I'm stuck.

How do I work around this? I need to setup new computers while we plan our upgrade to Version 9.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what was shared with me and we were able to get working.

The following setup instructions work for
Vista and Windows 7, 32 or 64 bit. They're an amalgam of tips collected
from this mailing list. This will get you the 4GL client and a working
ODBC connection. You will need to set ODBC security appropriately for
your installation (this assumes default).

1. Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights EVERYONE:FULL

2. Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming "V:" is your epicor

-Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK

3. Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe

4. Import these registry settings for help fix:

5. Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help fix:
[file://; <file:///\\;\> ]"

6. Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
For 64-bit Win7 Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

7. On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT Progress",
click "Finish"

8. Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):

Data Source Name: PROGRESS
Description: Vantage by Epicor
Host Name: [your vantage server name]
Port Number: [your configured odbc port number]
Database name: [your configured database name, "usually mfgsys"]
User ID: sysprogress

9. Click "Apply

10. Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read Uncommitted" and
array size to 500

11. Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to exit ODBC admin

Russell Wright


Triton Industries

Phone (517) 322-3822

Fax (517) 322-3872

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm having the same problem with win 7 64bit and Vantage 6.1

I can run the mfg install client try to follow instruction on some ones
thread but really didn't explain how to install the client

Can anyone help

Best regards,

Mark Howard
Financial Controller


+61 7 3277 7499


+61 7 3277 7499


+61 7 3875 1887



mhoward@... <mailto:mhoward@...>

W <>

This document (and any accompanying file attachments) is intended solely
for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and
contains information that is personal, privileged, confidential or
exempt from disclosure. Any dissemination, or copying of this document
to anyone but the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this document in error, please notify the sender immediately by
email and destroy any copies of the message (including any accompanying
file attachments). Furthermore, we accept no responsibility for the
content of any email which is sent by an employee that is of a personal
nature. Thank you.

From: [] On Behalf
Of mitchellkirby
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 2:01 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

I have been told that this will work by users on this group. Can someone
share how they made it work because I'm chasing my tail trying to
install the client.

Each user has a batch file in their profile that creates their shares
when they log into the server. I can navigate to the shares just fine. I
navigate to the mfgsys61 folder and run mfgclientsetup. The first screen
wants you to select the drive and path for the vantage software. The
pull down box only shows the local drives. At this point I'm stuck.

How do I work around this? I need to setup new computers while we plan
our upgrade to Version 9.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm having the same problem with win 7 64bit and Vantage 6.1 anyone help
with detailed install instructions

I can run the mfg install client try to follow instruction on some ones
thread but really didn't explain how to install the client

Can anyone help please

Best regards,

Mark Howard
Financial Controller


+61 7 3277 7499


+61 7 3277 7499


+61 7 3875 1887



mhoward@... <mailto:mhoward@...>

W <>

This document (and any accompanying file attachments) is intended solely
for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and
contains information that is personal, privileged, confidential or
exempt from disclosure. Any dissemination, or copying of this document
to anyone but the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this document in error, please notify the sender immediately by
email and destroy any copies of the message (including any accompanying
file attachments). Furthermore, we accept no responsibility for the
content of any email which is sent by an employee that is of a personal
nature. Thank you.

From: [] On Behalf
Of mitchellkirby
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 2:01 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7

I have been told that this will work by users on this group. Can someone
share how they made it work because I'm chasing my tail trying to
install the client.

Each user has a batch file in their profile that creates their shares
when they log into the server. I can navigate to the shares just fine. I
navigate to the mfgsys61 folder and run mfgclientsetup. The first screen
wants you to select the drive and path for the vantage software. The
pull down box only shows the local drives. At this point I'm stuck.

How do I work around this? I need to setup new computers while we plan
our upgrade to Version 9.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi Mark,

I'm not sure if you've got an answer yet, but here's what I did on my Windows 7 32 Bit OS;

Followed all instructions (except the 'help' fix), then went to
V:/mfgsys61 and ran the mfgclientsetup.exe file. The installation went as expected, I fixed the 'help' file with the following;

(Backup your registry before proceeding!)
Copy and paste the following into a text editor, save as Help.reg and close. Double click Help.reg to install to the registry. Must include the 'Windows Registry ....' line.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Good Luck,

Jill Pleau
Mid-State Machine Products

--- In, "Mark Howard" <speed@...> wrote:
> I'm having the same problem with win 7 64bit and Vantage 6.1 anyone help
> with detailed install instructions
> I can run the mfg install client try to follow instruction on some ones
> thread but really didn't explain how to install the client
> Can anyone help please
> Best regards,
> Mark Howard
> Financial Controller
> P
> +61 7 3277 7499
> D
> +61 7 3277 7499
> F
> +61 7 3875 1887
> M
> E
> mhoward@... <mailto:mhoward@...>
> W
> <>
> Disclaimer:
> This document (and any accompanying file attachments) is intended solely
> for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and
> contains information that is personal, privileged, confidential or
> exempt from disclosure. Any dissemination, or copying of this document
> to anyone but the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this document in error, please notify the sender immediately by
> email and destroy any copies of the message (including any accompanying
> file attachments). Furthermore, we accept no responsibility for the
> content of any email which is sent by an employee that is of a personal
> nature. Thank you.
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of mitchellkirby
> Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 2:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7
> I have been told that this will work by users on this group. Can someone
> share how they made it work because I'm chasing my tail trying to
> install the client.
> Each user has a batch file in their profile that creates their shares
> when they log into the server. I can navigate to the shares just fine. I
> navigate to the mfgsys61 folder and run mfgclientsetup. The first screen
> wants you to select the drive and path for the vantage software. The
> pull down box only shows the local drives. At this point I'm stuck.
> How do I work around this? I need to setup new computers while we plan
> our upgrade to Version 9.
> Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I've posted this a few times already. Please follow the instructions
carefully, if you do you'll find that v6.1 works fine on both 32-bit and
64-bit Vista and Win7 systems. Please note: DO NOT RUN
MFGClientSetup.EXE - that is the biggest mistake that people are making.

As far as Epicor not supporting the client, why do you need their help?
The only support issues you'll ask them will have to do with database
issues or process issues, so the client is not a factor. If they ask,
you're running Windows XP SP2 - they won't know the difference.


We've migrated about half our user base to Windows 7, and we're still on
Vantage 6.1. The following setup instructions work for Vista and
Windows 7, 32 or 64 bit. They're an amalgam of tips collected from this
mailing list. This will get you the 4GL client and a working ODBC
connection. You will need to set ODBC security appropriately for your
installation (this assumes default).

1. Create working folder: Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights

2. Install Progress client: Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming
"V:" is your epicor share)

-Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK

3. Install Epicor controls: Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe

4. Help fix 1: Import these registry settings for help fix:


5. Help fix 2: Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help


6. Create program icons: Make a shortcut for this command:

"V:\mfgsys61\Mfg.exe V:\mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG"

In this example, my Epicor share maps to "V:" and the Vantage
programs reside in V:\mfgsys61. The .mfg file contains all the
information necessary for the 4GL client to find the database, temp
folder, etc.

7. Start ODBC config:

32-bit: Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
64-bit: Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

8. More ODBC: On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT
Progress", click "Finish"

9. More ODBC: Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):

Data Source Name: PROGRESS
Description: Vantage by Epicor
Host Name: [your vantage server name]
Port Number: [your configured odbc port number, usually 6150]
Database name: [your configured database name, usually "mfgsys"]
User ID: sysprogress

10. More ODBC: Click "Apply

11. More ODBC: Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read
Uncommitted" and array size to 500

12. Final ODBC: Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to
exit ODBC admin

Sorry -- still doesn't work for me. I have not attempted to install the client, simply the manual installation. After trying your solution I searched further and found Jim's instructions -- I edited the services file to include 6100/tcp. The Vantage splash screen launches, but shuts down after 30 seconds or so.

--- In, "John Sage" <list@...> wrote:
> Everyone,
> I've posted this a few times already. Please follow the instructions
> carefully, if you do you'll find that v6.1 works fine on both 32-bit and
> 64-bit Vista and Win7 systems. Please note: DO NOT RUN
> MFGClientSetup.EXE - that is the biggest mistake that people are making.
> As far as Epicor not supporting the client, why do you need their help?
> The only support issues you'll ask them will have to do with database
> issues or process issues, so the client is not a factor. If they ask,
> you're running Windows XP SP2 - they won't know the difference.
> *-*-*-*
> We've migrated about half our user base to Windows 7, and we're still on
> Vantage 6.1. The following setup instructions work for Vista and
> Windows 7, 32 or 64 bit. They're an amalgam of tips collected from this
> mailing list. This will get you the 4GL client and a working ODBC
> connection. You will need to set ODBC security appropriately for your
> installation (this assumes default).
> 1. Create working folder: Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights
> 2. Install Progress client: Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming
> "V:" is your epicor share)
> -Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK
> 3. Install Epicor controls: Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe
> 4. Help fix 1: Import these registry settings for help fix:
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\itssRestrictions]
> "MaxAllowedZone"=dword:00000003
> 5. Help fix 2: Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help
> fix:
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions]
> "UrlAllowList"="V:\\mfgsys61\\HELP\\vnhelp_enu.chm;file://;
> [file://;]"
> 6. Create program icons: Make a shortcut for this command:
> "V:\mfgsys61\Mfg.exe V:\mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG"
> In this example, my Epicor share maps to "V:" and the Vantage
> programs reside in V:\mfgsys61. The .mfg file contains all the
> information necessary for the 4GL client to find the database, temp
> folder, etc.
> 7. Start ODBC config:
> 32-bit: Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
> 64-bit: Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
> 8. More ODBC: On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT
> Progress", click "Finish"
> 9. More ODBC: Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):
> Data Source Name: PROGRESS
> Description: Vantage by Epicor
> Host Name: [your vantage server name]
> Port Number: [your configured odbc port number, usually 6150]
> Database name: [your configured database name, usually "mfgsys"]
> User ID: sysprogress
> 10. More ODBC: Click "Apply
> 11. More ODBC: Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read
> Uncommitted" and array size to 500
> 12. Final ODBC: Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to
> exit ODBC admin
> *
When you run setup.exe and InstOCX.exe try right clicking and select "run as administrator". We have been doing everything by script so may have left that step out (if it is required).

The only other thing I can think of is a firewall setting, don't believe we have ever had to change it for Vantage though.


From: [] On Behalf Of jpleau2
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 2:04 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: SOLUTION: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7 - 32 or 64-bit

Sorry -- still doesn't work for me. I have not attempted to install the client, simply the manual installation. After trying your solution I searched further and found Jim's instructions -- I edited the services file to include 6100/tcp. The Vantage splash screen launches, but shuts down after 30 seconds or so.

--- In<>, "John Sage" <list@...<mailto:list@...>> wrote:
> Everyone,
> I've posted this a few times already. Please follow the instructions
> carefully, if you do you'll find that v6.1 works fine on both 32-bit and
> 64-bit Vista and Win7 systems. Please note: DO NOT RUN
> MFGClientSetup.EXE - that is the biggest mistake that people are making.
> As far as Epicor not supporting the client, why do you need their help?
> The only support issues you'll ask them will have to do with database
> issues or process issues, so the client is not a factor. If they ask,
> you're running Windows XP SP2 - they won't know the difference.
> *-*-*-*
> We've migrated about half our user base to Windows 7, and we're still on
> Vantage 6.1. The following setup instructions work for Vista and
> Windows 7, 32 or 64 bit. They're an amalgam of tips collected from this
> mailing list. This will get you the 4GL client and a working ODBC
> connection. You will need to set ODBC security appropriately for your
> installation (this assumes default).
> 1. Create working folder: Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights
> 2. Install Progress client: Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming
> "V:" is your epicor share)
> -Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK
> 3. Install Epicor controls: Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe
> 4. Help fix 1: Import these registry settings for help fix:
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\itssRestrictions]
> "MaxAllowedZone"=dword:00000003
> 5. Help fix 2: Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help
> fix:
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions]
> "UrlAllowList"="V:\\mfgsys61\\HELP\\vnhelp_enu.chm;file://;<file:///\\;>
> [file://;<file:///\\;>]"
> 6. Create program icons: Make a shortcut for this command:
> "V:\mfgsys61\Mfg.exe V:\mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG"
> In this example, my Epicor share maps to "V:" and the Vantage
> programs reside in V:\mfgsys61. The .mfg file contains all the
> information necessary for the 4GL client to find the database, temp
> folder, etc.
> 7. Start ODBC config:
> 32-bit: Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
> 64-bit: Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
> 8. More ODBC: On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT
> Progress", click "Finish"
> 9. More ODBC: Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):
> Data Source Name: PROGRESS
> Description: Vantage by Epicor
> Host Name: [your vantage server name]
> Port Number: [your configured odbc port number, usually 6150]
> Database name: [your configured database name, usually "mfgsys"]
> User ID: sysprogress
> 10. More ODBC: Click "Apply
> 11. More ODBC: Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read
> Uncommitted" and array size to 500
> 12. Final ODBC: Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to
> exit ODBC admin
> *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi Jim,

I did try that the 'run as...' thing, but later then sooner. I wonder if I should try uninstalling progress, and starting over again. I will also check the firewall -- I'm a Windows 7 far :(

Thanks for your reply,


--- In, Jim Mediger <JimM@...> wrote:
> When you run setup.exe and InstOCX.exe try right clicking and select "run as administrator". We have been doing everything by script so may have left that step out (if it is required).
> The only other thing I can think of is a firewall setting, don't believe we have ever had to change it for Vantage though.
> Hth,
> Jim
> From: [] On Behalf Of jpleau2
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 2:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: SOLUTION: Vantage 6.1 and Windows 7 - 32 or 64-bit
> Sorry -- still doesn't work for me. I have not attempted to install the client, simply the manual installation. After trying your solution I searched further and found Jim's instructions -- I edited the services file to include 6100/tcp. The Vantage splash screen launches, but shuts down after 30 seconds or so.
> --- In<>, "John Sage" <list@<mailto:list@>> wrote:
> >
> > Everyone,
> >
> > I've posted this a few times already. Please follow the instructions
> > carefully, if you do you'll find that v6.1 works fine on both 32-bit and
> > 64-bit Vista and Win7 systems. Please note: DO NOT RUN
> > MFGClientSetup.EXE - that is the biggest mistake that people are making.
> >
> > As far as Epicor not supporting the client, why do you need their help?
> > The only support issues you'll ask them will have to do with database
> > issues or process issues, so the client is not a factor. If they ask,
> > you're running Windows XP SP2 - they won't know the difference.
> >
> > *-*-*-*
> >
> > We've migrated about half our user base to Windows 7, and we're still on
> > Vantage 6.1. The following setup instructions work for Vista and
> > Windows 7, 32 or 64 bit. They're an amalgam of tips collected from this
> > mailing list. This will get you the 4GL client and a working ODBC
> > connection. You will need to set ODBC security appropriately for your
> > installation (this assumes default).
> >
> > 1. Create working folder: Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights
> >
> > 2. Install Progress client: Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming
> > "V:" is your epicor share)
> >
> > -Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK
> >
> > 3. Install Epicor controls: Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe
> >
> > 4. Help fix 1: Import these registry settings for help fix:
> >
> > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\itssRestrictions]
> > "MaxAllowedZone"=dword:00000003
> >
> > 5. Help fix 2: Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help
> > fix:
> >
> > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions]
> > "UrlAllowList"="V:\\mfgsys61\\HELP\\vnhelp_enu.chm;file://;<file:///\\;>
> > [file://;<file:///\\;>]"
> >
> > 6. Create program icons: Make a shortcut for this command:
> >
> > "V:\mfgsys61\Mfg.exe V:\mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG"
> >
> > In this example, my Epicor share maps to "V:" and the Vantage
> > programs reside in V:\mfgsys61. The .mfg file contains all the
> > information necessary for the 4GL client to find the database, temp
> > folder, etc.
> >
> > 7. Start ODBC config:
> >
> > 32-bit: Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
> > 64-bit: Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
> >
> > 8. More ODBC: On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT
> > Progress", click "Finish"
> >
> > 9. More ODBC: Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):
> >
> > Data Source Name: PROGRESS
> > Description: Vantage by Epicor
> > Host Name: [your vantage server name]
> > Port Number: [your configured odbc port number, usually 6150]
> > Database name: [your configured database name, usually "mfgsys"]
> > User ID: sysprogress
> >
> > 10. More ODBC: Click "Apply
> >
> > 11. More ODBC: Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read
> > Uncommitted" and array size to 500
> >
> > 12. Final ODBC: Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to
> > exit ODBC admin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]