Could use some help here on our process for teardowns and rebuilds.
- Customer equipment arrives.
- We make a quote for $0, with lines for each unit.
- We make a sales order based on the quote lines, with sales order lines linked to quote lines.
- We make a job for each SO line
- We make routers for the teardown
- We perform the teardown, marking each component with the new job number
- We cost out how much the rebuild will cost.
- Ideally we then go back and revise the original quote with actual prices. But sometimes it is gets complicated and we have to make a new quote. Eg sometimes we have to quote the rebuild 2 or 3 ways, and do so with different numbers.
- If we win the repair order, we update the SO with the agreed price and proceed working on the equipment under the already started jobs.
- We then ship and invoice.
Question is what to do with the second quote number. Its a Win, but there is no new order for it. And the SO and Job already started only really reference the original teardown quote number. And it is very messy trying to change the SO line referenced quote number.
So is the best solution to add a 2nd UD field on SODetail that we manually enter the 2nd quote # & line into?
Or is there some built in Epicor functionality that makes handling this easier? Eg parent quote #… though I don’t see that as too helpful.
Thanks fellas