It looks like that may have worked. Thanks!
--- On Tue, 6/17/08, Stan Chmura <schmura@...> wrote:
From: Stan Chmura <schmura@...>Tha
Subject: RE: [Vantage] SN BAQ
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 10:49 AM
Also In the interest of keeping it simple, since this report is for one
customer only, I would not use the customer table. Filter the query by
customer num from the InvcDtl. That field is not visible anywhere in
Vantage since it acts only as the table index. Do a simple query on the
customer table first to find the index number of the customer you are
tracking to use in the filter if the InvcDtl query.
From: vantage@yahoogroups .com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:05 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
Subject: [Vantage] SN BAQ
Good morning,
I'm trying to write a pretty simple report, but I'm not getting any
results from my BAQ. We need a report that provides part numbers for
products in an order, and the serial number for the parts in the order.
The user should be able to search by order number. The report is only
for orders for one customer of ours, which i have tried to specify by
custID in the filter criteria in the Phrase Builder. I have the BAQ
pulling the OrderDtl, Customer, and SerialNo tables. the custID is
being pulled from customer, ordernum and partnum are being pulled form
the OrderDtl table, and the serial number is being pulled from the
SerialNo table. I get no results for this customer ID, but I know there
have been orders already shipped in 07. if I try to restrict the query
by ordernum, and type in an order number for this customer that exists
in the order tracker, I get no results again. However, an order number
that is for a different customer will yield results, but only for
orders for one customer of ours. Pretty strange, huh?. I have enclosed
the BAQ syntax:
for each OrderDtl no-lock , each Customer where ( Customer.CustID
= '24HO100') and (OrderDtl.Company = Customer.Company and
OrderDtl.CustNum = Customer.CustNum) no-lock , each SerialNo where
(OrderDtl.Company = SerialNo.Company and OrderDtl.OrderNum =
SerialNo.OrderNum and OrderDtl.OrderLine = SerialNo.OrderLine) no-lock .
Tried to get help from Epicor, but they are 'stumped' Has anyone else
successfully been able to produce a Serial Number report similar to
this? Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I would think this would be a
simple report, but it appears not to be. Any advice?
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