Slow Shipping

Our shippers are having a hard time with Epicor here recently. Epicor just sits and spins for about 10-15 secs per shipment. Our servers are all solid state and everything with our setup is good to go. However, it just runs slow.

Is this normal? If not, ideas on where to look?


Did you ever get a resolution to this?

We run into this as well. Except it’s spotty. It will happen for an afternoon and then nothing for weeks. Then bam, everything takes forever again. Only in shipping. Servers show nothing. Performance and Diagnostics shows nothing. No one else experiences the slow down.

I’ve even put an internal counter on Manifest to see if that’s the slow down - nada - Manifest runs quick as can be.


Yes, we had bpm’s that were causing things to slow down. We had BPM’s for order entry, most of which were obsolete anyway, that would cause the issues. I shut them down and everything smoothed out. I would recommend taking a fresh look at all BPM’s, especially those that will be touching anything to do with parts.