Slider Panel - What is the Component ID of Buttons?

When you create your own slider and use the buttons that you can add on the page, does anyone know how to reference their component ID to set a property?

I used dev tools to find out the ID is EpButton741, but that is not working. I also tried the ID of the button that I gave it and that did not work either. But I suspect that is because that element does not have a disabled property.

Are you talking about buttons you add on the slide-out page itself? Like below?

Can’t say I have a definitive answer… but there’s an ID there.

You can add a button to a panel card/grid under Advanced > Action Data.

Those have the ability to be disabled… if that helps at all.

Yes, I was thinking of doing that if no one knew how to do it using Epicor’s functionality.

I tried the ID and it did not work.

Thanks for the response.

I just tested against a “stock” page button on Part Entry… if the button is mapped to TransView… you can disable it with a row-rule.




I did a second test with the “Ok” button… and it worked there too.

again… not sure if it helps, but may be a workaround for you.

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Awesome! I will give it a try and let you know.


So, it works, but I can’t enable it later on. What is happening is I want to enable it if a certain field = value. The fields I am checking are in TransView and get created on the fly. When the first field gets created and set with a value, it enables the button again, regardless of the value. While you gave me a way to do it, it does not work later on. I am going to go with your original suggestion of creating the buttons myself and not use the OOTB.

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