I have an unusual request.
I am sending an html email to the customer and the customer service rep. when some conditions are met.
However, there might be errors in the bpm directive. Maybe the the process fails, maybe the internet connection is down at the time, maybe the email address is incorrect, etc. So the BPM will error and continue as expected, but the User Interface gets the error window and it seems to stop the UI to perform the next steps.
In specific this is done at the method directive for Quote.CreateOrder, so if there is an issue with the
process, the screen in the UI where you create the order remains open.
Normally this screen closes after the user clicks create order, but if the directive fails an exception ocurred message appears and the UI and stops the last processes including closing that window. So the users are not aware that the order has been created already and they keep creating orders untl they decide to call IT.
Is there a way to avoid the exception messages affecting the UI? This is a method post directive so everything is happening as expected (other than the email getting sent which is not so important comparing to actually stoping the UI to perform the last steps).
I am begining to consider to create this as a customization, but that would involve getting more information in the Quote screen and a BPM sounds like the best way to do it anyway.
Also, I failed to send the email asynchronously, it ends in queue but it is never sent. Is there anything required to actually send them that way?
Best regards